I was Suddenly overcome by this dreadful feeling, a sensation of impending doom, the flame burning on the flarestacks were unusually bright that morning, in the distance, spewing their poisonous fumes into the unspoiled clear blue sky, with the black plumes of soot spiralling towards the heavens and collecting in random pools of translucent grey clouds wandering off into the distance, it was something L S Lowry would have painted, I thought, instead of the dark satanic mill stacks in his native Manchester of a generation ago?
I had no idea what it was, why I was filled with this apprehension, whether I forgot to do something, something that someone was relying upon or whether I was anticipating something as a consequence of something I had done? I didn’t know what it was, I just had this terrible foreboding feeling. I decided to go for a walk, to get some fresh air and try to clear my head of the confusion and apprehension that was occupying my every thought, I took a shower and changed into suitable attire for the weather and just before setting off I looked in on Dubai Forums to see what developments there were since the night before and there it was, like an epiphany, staring me full in the face, was…