ineedacoolnick wrote:I just asked for my passport as I want to go abroad for two days during my two day WEEKLY OFF.
My manager said its UAE law that you need a leave application from the company if leaving the country.
I doubt it, but anyone know about this?
Thanks in advance...
I travel "on leave" every 4 to 6 weeks and the last time I filled out a "leave application" was NEVER.
I think they are simply afraid you are using it as a pretext and won't comeback to work for them. There was another post regarding your employe holding your passport which as I understand it is not legal but many companies do (including the municipality

). It up to the amount of leverage you have (based on your position, etc.) and the kind of dicks you work for.
I say you should insist on your passport (maybe even call your embassy consulate) and then refuse to give it back (understanding that you might loose your job).