Images leaked on Web of what was claimed to be BMW’s forthcoming Vision Z Concept, hiding under a thin semitransparent cover.
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the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Misery Called Life wrote:Ha! The car looks 'Bangled'! Ever since Chris Bangle took over I've really hated BMW designs. The front of the car looks horrendous, as though it would instantly metamorphose into something else altogether. It kinda looks incomplete!
What happened to free flowing smooth designs with sharp curves?
G to tha T wrote:it's just a concept car...
viking-warrior wrote:Looks like a cross between a Mitsubishi Galant and a Siemens toaster !
Misery Called Life wrote:I too absolutely love the older BMW's. So popular with Palestinians today.
desertdudeshj wrote:Misery Called Life wrote:I too absolutely love the older BMW's. So popular with Palestinians today.
Thats one of the reasons I don't like the BMW's. The late 80's early 90 3 series are quite nice but have that sitgma attached to them.
I really like the old Shaba's aswell ( 90's S Series ) always wanted one
I just sold my range, was a victim of the credit crunch. When things get better looking to get a Lx470 instead of a LS this time or newer model range rover. Thats the only thing I can thank BMW is refining the Range Rover. Really love that car. While at the same time messing up there own X5 ?
Lexus and Range Rover are the only true Luxury vehicles in my view ( Not counting the maybachs, bentleys and Rolls ofcourse ) and oh not to forget the only worth while Merc the G55. And the worst being the Cayenne S still cant get over the sh!t colour interiors. The Turbo saving some face only due to the throaty exhaust note it gives out.
Although in Mercs defense. My wife works for Al Fahim ( EMC ) and I get to oogle at the new mercs in the showroom everymorning ( I always need to use the loo when droping her off)
And some very classy looking models out there. excluding the CLS thats one ugly fark.
I also pass by AGMC the only thing intresting on the floor there is the highly modidied X5 somekind of special edition. Rest is all the boring stuff.
RobbyG wrote:I think you would concur with me if you had more feeling for the finer art my friend.
wishmaster wrote:Images leaked on Web of what was claimed to be BMW’s forthcoming Vision Z Concept, hiding under a thin semitransparent cover.
Click on following to read full story with images;)
desertdudeshj wrote:RobbyG wrote:I think you would concur with me if you had more feeling for the finer art my friend.
And what are you trying to say here. That your some kind of elite connoisseur of art. Whlile we or I are grunts ?
G my friend. An average person who grew up here by the age of 20 drives more Luxury cars and SUV's than you will ever see in a life time in dyke land.
Have you ever driven, let me rephrase, how many top luxury SUV's or cars have you seen let alone driven staying out there ?
Your limited experience with the finer automobiles really doesnt hold any water.
desertdudeshj wrote:Well here's what I do know, your young ( late 20's ) an umemployed ( for quite sometime now ) areonautical engineer or something ? And you drive a old BMW which has already been in a couple of crashes.
What I also know in general is people in your parts of the woods really don't have the car culture we have here. I've seen Germans from Stuggart I might add oogling over an mid 90's Porsche. Why I ask, because it a big deal from many of their own mouths they hardly see those "over there" let alone having driven one. And when was the last time I saw a Lamborghini Gallardo. Oh thats right when I went to pick up a pack of smokes an hour back.
So I seriously doubt, you might have direct long term experience with any of the newer generation models. Other than the oldish B'mer you have now and any of the previous cars you might have owned.
True its all assumption but 1+1 usually is 2
What I also do know is my profession has always been automobiles one way or the other whether it be testing prototypes, driving them, modifying them, repairing or servicing them. Also having worked with most major car manufacturers including your beloved German brands.
Rob, when I first joined this forum a few months back I honestly thought you were a decent chap, well you are ( I think ) but it your general condescending tone in almost every post you post here does get annoying sometimes.
desertdudeshj wrote:
What I also know in general is people in your parts of the woods really don't have the car culture we have here. I've seen Germans from Stuggart I might add oogling over an mid 90's Porsche. Why I ask, because it a big deal from many of their own mouths they hardly see those "over there" let alone having driven one. And when was the last time I saw a Lamborghini Gallardo. Oh thats right when I went to pick up a pack of smokes an hour back.
So I seriously doubt, you might have direct long term experience with any of the newer generation models. Other than the oldish B'mer you have now and any of the previous cars you might have owned.
True its all assumption but 1+1 usually is 2
What I also do know is my profession has always been automobiles one way or the other whether it be testing prototypes, driving them, modifying them, repairing or servicing them. Also having worked with most major car manufacturers including your beloved German brands.
desertdudeshj wrote:Misery Called Life wrote:I too absolutely love the older BMW's. So popular with Palestinians today.
Although in Mercs defense. My wife works for Al Fahim ( EMC ) and I get to oogle at the new mercs in the showroom everymorning ( I always need to use the loo when droping her off)
And some very classy looking models out there. excluding the CLS thats one ugly fark.
RobbyG wrote:GM, Chrysler and Ford went bust for a reason. They are rusty in every senseand thats just one reason...
RobbyG wrote:GM, Chrysler and Ford went bust for a reason. They are rusty in every senseand thats just one reason...
desertdudeshj wrote:Yes taste is subjective. I think it looks like an exagerated VW beetle.
I do think Americans do have some nice automobiles in their stable but the problem I think is they are making too many products out on the shelve and splitting up their resources instead of making a few good solid all round cars. Like Jeep comming out with the totally useless 4 dr wranglers, patriost and compass. Well atleast they realised and dropped the last two.
Have one full size SUV, one Mid size, one sedan etc etc. They are trying too hard to fill up every segment with a lot of quickly made and not thought out very well stuff.
They need to ditch the excess bagage and concentrate on a few. I like the new direction Cadillac is going in also the new retro styled muscle cars like the Mustang, Camaro and Challenger.
Although the mid to small sedan segment really needs to be looked at and some clever marketing.