Check out this story I just read on
another blog about the awesome KSA.

F*ck that place.
Short version at the bottom if you don't want to read it. The girl telling the story is Ukranian.
Tuesday night December 9th 2008 I came back from the wonderful vacation in Africa and was full of energy to start my work. On Wednesday I spent all my day at home and was not actually thinking of going out when I got an invitation from some friends in Diplomatic Quarter to visit them. I called my friend driver who is Saudi and who speaks Russian (that's why I called him) to give me the ride to DQ. My mind was still in Africa, I didn't even unpack and that is why I forgot my iqama (the residence permit in Saudi). I realized that I forgot it at the gate of DQ. Since it was late to turn back, I had no choice but to get in.
The first gate was ok so I thought it is not a big deal. We were stuck at the 2nd gate. They asked for my id, I said I simply forgot it. I thought I would be allowed to come back and get it. I was so naïve. Since they don't speak English, they didn't ask me anything, they took the guy aside and held him like for half an hour talking. During this time I was sitting at the back of the car wondering what is going to happen. Suddenly they rushed to the car and started searching everything including my purse. After searching and finding nothing I thought they would let us go. So naive! Then the security guy came to the car and drove me to the police station. The guy was taken in the separate car. I spent like an hour at the police station when the guy was questioned. I was sitting at the entrance hall wondering what is going to happen. I called my journalist friend who works at KSA2 (he was also visiting my friends in DQ) to come and talk to the police. He came and talked to them and they told him that I would be released in 30 minutes. He asked them what is her case but they couldn't say anything and asked him to leave. The driver came out for five minutes and told me not to worry because they are going to ask me questions and let me go.
Later on (which was already like 12 at night) they put me in the car and took me somewhere without saying anything. The lady in the car told "Malaiz". I had no idea it was prison. I felt something fishy and called my friend journalist to help me. He said he would come immediately. Later on, he said, he spent 4 hours in jail. He came in and demanded what is my case. He didn't receive any response. Instead they asked him, "Is she your wife? Your sister? Why do you care? You should go!" Meanwhile I was taken in, given some paper in Arabic and pushed behind big gate.
Only then I realized I am in prison, oh my God! There I was received by 3 women who couldn't speak English. They immediately took my cell phone and my watch, sealed them. Then I was taken to the room by the big scary lady who kept yelling at me in Arabic and forced to remove all my clothes and jump naked for some time. I was so panic-stoke that I didn't really care what was happening as far as they didn't beat me. After asking me to put my finger to sign something in Arabic which I had no idea what was written there I was pushed to jail. They took my all belongings including my bag and let me keep only money (100 SR). I was put to the room with 5 double beds and given a bed. Immediately half of prisoners who were mostly Filipinos, Indonesians and Africans run to look at my like at some exotic fruit – the blond prisoner, very rare thing in Saudi jail. I was very lucky I was put in the Pilipino room where girls spoke some English.
There my eyes slowly opened and I began to realize the whole tragedy of situation. Some of them were staying there for weeks, some for months, some for years. Their relatives had no idea what happened to them. All of them were nice girls; they really helped me not to loose my mind. I was afraid I would go crazy at that place. They told me I was lucky because I got a bed; before the jail was so full that people were sleeping on the floor without blankets. I was scared to death. The worst part was that there was no toilet paper. We were supposed to wash it off after using the water. I was very lucky I happened to have a towel with me otherwise I cannot imagine that. The first night was terrible, I was so weak, I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, I was crying the whole night. I slept in my abaya because I didn't have other clothes. The issue of basic hygiene was creeping me out. How long will I stay here?
Next day, however, I found out that if you have money you can buy some clothes. I bought a nightgown for 30 SR which I wore afterwards. There in jail they have a store where you can buy basic things like toothpaste, soap… if you have money. Since it was still Eid vacation the store was closed.
I stayed in jail for 3 nights and 2,5 days. I got there on Wednesday night (next day after coming back from Africa), next day nothing happened. Only at 6 in the evening I had an interview. The interview was conducted through an interpreter, who's English was one word in English and 5 in Arabic. I was supposed to guess what he was asking me. My answers were written in Arabic and I had no idea what was there; however, I had to sign it. He asked me if I had sex with the man, if he was touching me. I was really fortunate they didn't check my cell phone. Other girls told me that if they found a picture of any man in my cell phone, I would be pretty much screwed. They consider every man in your cell phone or on your camera to be your boyfriend no matter if you took that picture here or in your country, nobody cares. Friday nothing happened and all I had to do was to sit and wait, wait for absolution. My mind was about to boil, I was so much afraid I would do something crazy or go mentally sick. I listened to the women's stories and was horrified. People were caught in the store and accused they were with men while they were just buying something. One girl was caught on the street and was accused meeting with her boyfriend somewhere. She was not caught meeting with him, somebody just told this about her and they don't investigate if it's true or not. I have heard so many stories, it would take hours to write them down. I though maybe I should start some program like, "Saudi Jail Survivor" and broadcast it on tv, I could make so much money or maybe I should write a book? On Saturday I was fingerprinted and taken picture of. I begged them to contact my employer or my embassy, they said tomorrow (on Sunday). That is after spending 3 nights and 2,5 days in jail.
It came unexpected that I got out Saturday when my employer Al-Yamamah University got me out of their. My journalist friend informed everybody so they knew I was there. I was afraid how they would find out where I am, they may think I'm still in Africa. I was really happy everything was over. The person from HR who took me out said that it is not a big deal, nothing is gonna happen to me. So next day I came to work ready to teach and forget all horrible things that happened to me. However, I was very wrong again. I share office with other teacher, so very soon I was approached and told not to talk to anybody from the teachers or students. They didn't allow me to teach my classes anymore. That day, after a while I was informed that I was fired. I didn't even have a meeting with the President to discuss my case. Nobody asked me, nobody cared what happened to me in jail, all the cared was their reputation. One of our college, our supervisor, Grace Spivak was also put to jail for the same reason. And guess what? Nothing happened because she is a supervisor. They have double standards, one is for privileged, and one is for other mortal people. The termination letter that I received from the University by supervisor David Philipson says, "I am writing to inform you that, because of your inappropriate behavior during Eid Al Adha, which led to your being stopped and detained by the Saudi Police, I have to course of action other than to terminate your contract forthwith. Your unseemly conduct in trying to enter the Diplomatic Quarter in the company of a Saudi gentleman who is not a relative is morally unacceptable in the conservative, religious Kingdom of Saudi Arabia." Wow, look at that – unseemly! What is unseemly? What did I do? That I was with the guy who is a driver? I cannot drive in this country, now they are accusing me that being with my driver is unseemly conduct. I must stress that I didn't have any meeting and nobody asked me what happened. They just fired me like that. I asked them, "So even at the University you don't have freedom of speech, not talking about one in prison. What can you expect in prison if you are treated like that at the University? Here you cannot speak, or if you do you life maybe endangered.
Soon after I got out of jail I was offered to have an interview with Arab news. I was invited to come to their office and talk about what happened. At first, I agreed but then after talking with my friends I got scared for my life. They can detain me at the airport and then there would be no one to take me out of there. So, I'm sending this story when I'm out of the country, when I'm free…
Short Version: Girl can't drive, gets ride somewhere, forgets id, gets arrested for being with man (driver), spends 3 days in jail, gets out, gets fired for being arrested, goes home... writes story.