Jail And Parole

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Jail and parole Oct 23, 2011
I met a former high school mate on the train. Turns out he is a parole officer. We talk a bit about his work. I am more for firm punishment (if you can't do the time, don't do the crime), while he is all for fast reintegration. Life must be playing a joke, because another schoolmate does parole with him. He was busted for drug trafficking. I personally think, driving trucks of weed into Germany is not the worst of crimes, but the law is the law. He did his time and is now on parole. When I heard the story, I have to admit I was a bit sympathetic towards him and was hoping for a fast reintegration of him.
I couldn't help my curiosity and did a background check on the ex-con. He appears to be a real piece of work. He had an adult company (something with webcams and stuff) and has a record of domestic violence. I checked further and discovered he has violated about every parole policy. I haven't told the parole officer, because I have a dilemma. I am brought up, to not to be a snitch in your community. Although not arrested for it, I know he also possesses illegal arms. I also think that this info might come handy maybe in the future, some bargaining power so to say and rather keep it to myself for now.
What would you do?

Flying Dutchman
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Re: Jail and parole Oct 24, 2011
That's a tough one FD.

I am of the same mind as I also think the punishment isn't hard enough these days.

I'd be tempted to say let the ex-con get on with it, He won't be the first one to break his parole. At the end of the day the worst that could happen is that he gets banged up again, it hasn't proved a deterent so far so it probably won't in the future.

You could be landing yourself in a load of trouble if he were ever to find out that you had grassed him up :shock:

The illegal arms thing is a bit of a worry, not only that you don't want that lot on the street but that you may want to use the knowledge as a bargaining tool one day. :P

I wish my life was as exciting :bom:
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Re: Jail and parole Oct 24, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:You could be landing yourself in a load of trouble if he were ever to find out that you had grassed him up :shock:

Yes, thats what I was thinking.

Bethsmum wrote:The illegal arms thing is a bit of a worry, not only that you don't want that lot on the street

Good point, I'll have to reconsider. I couldn't accept it for myself if something happened with it.

Bethsmum wrote: but that you may want to use the knowledge as a bargaining tool one day. :P

Its not only the arms, but the whole situation, including his parole.
Flying Dutchman
Dubai Forums Zealot
Posts: 3792
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