SUV's with heavily tinted windows are the root of traffic problems is just another typical UAE stereotype. Little matchboxes chugguing roads are just as much to blame.
Infact my personal opinion I see more dangerous crap from the

y's on the road. We all are fimiliar with the

y chugging along at 60kph on the fast lane. Oblivious to the long train of vehicles following it.
In fact just a few days back i almost slammed into one. I was comming back to dubai from abu dhabi doing 90 on the 4th lane following a pickup atleast 6 to 7 car lenghts behind. The pickup suddenly swerves of into the 3 rd lane. And there right in front of me is a 91 rickety corrolla doing what must not be more than 40.
Good thing the next lane was empty. Otherwise my landover would have surely made minced meat out of him. Now that I make 2 daily trips to AUH and back the amount of crap I see huge.
Almost an accident a day 99% of time a

y driver who blows his tyre does a couple of 360's and ends up in the barrier if lucky if not taking a few with him.
Also a word of warning to everyone. Majority of one car accidents I have noticed here specially here in the summer are due to poor tyre maintainace. Even if you have new tyres. Over a period of time the loose pressure. And driving a deflated tyre causes heat build up and during the summer the roads can be absolutely boiling. And a long highway run even a new tyre with incorrect pressure add to that super hot asphalt will cause a blow out. And its almost impossible to control a vehicle at highways speeds during a blowout.
So for everyones safety check you tyre pressure atleast once a week if not daily .