Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!!

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Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
I must admit it. I never knew most of these facts!!! :D

Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About the English Language

The plural of box is boxes;
but the plural of ox became oxen not oxes.
One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,
yet the plural of moose should never be meese.

Yup, English is a crazy language. Most people know that English is one of the hardest language to learn with because it has over 800,000 words. What you might not know though is where the English language came from and how it came to being the most popular language used in the world today. A recently published article from the Online Graduate Programs Blog describes just that plus many other interesting facts about the English language that you may or may not know about.

English came from Germanic roots: When tribes from what is now Germany came to the land that would be England, they brought with them the language that would eventually grow into the dialect we use today.

There are three basic eras to English formation: Old English, which ran from the 5th through 11th centuries; Middle English, which lasted until the 15th century; and Modern English, which takes us to the present.

English disappeared from written language for a while: The Norman conquest of England in 1066 established Norman French as the upper-class language and relegated English to peasants. Churches keep records in French, and novelists write in that language. Basically, English stops being a written language for more than 100 years.

English literature didn’t reappear until after 1200: Changing political climates led to the Provisions of Oxford, a constitution-like document written in English in 1258. By 1300, English as a language had taken hold again.

Half the words we use today have roots in Old English: Although Old and Modern English look incredibly different, words as diverse as “water” and “be” are merely forms of words that came into English use centuries ago.

There are more than 125 English dialects worldwide: Each dialect uses English in its own way, from pronunciation to construction.

More English speakers reside in the U.S. than anywhere else: More than 250 million Americans speak English (and it’s the first language for 215 million of them), placing it easily at the top of the list. Second place? India, with 125 million.

Dozens of nations have English as their official (or co-official) language: These include the U.K., Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and Australia.

The first purely English dictionary appeared in 1604: It was called A Table Alphabeticall [sic], and it was written by a schoolteacher named Robert Cawdrey. It was far from a complete guide to the language, and it would take a century and a half for the next step to be made.

According to Illinois state law, it is illegal to speak English: The officially recognized language is “American.”

There is a word in the English language with only one vowel, which occurs five times: “I n d i v i s i b i l i t y.”

“Checkmate” is more literal than you think: The chess term is an alteration of “shah mat,” a Persian phrase that meant “the king is ambushed.”

No one knows who came up with “the whole nine yards.”: The most widely cited story to explain the origin of this phrase, which means “completely” or “using everything,” is that soldiers in World War II started using it in reference to firing the entire length of an ammunition belt on an anti-aircraft gun. Yet there are no written instances of the phrase before 1962, and many other stories and theories have been advanced. Everyone knows what it means; no one knows how it got here.

There’s a reason typists practice using “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”: It contains every letter in the alphabet, making it ideal for mastering keyboard layout.

The longest word in the English language: According to the Oxford English Dictionary, its pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis. The only other word with the same amount of letters ispneumonoultra-microscopicsilicovolcanoconioses, its plural.

English has the most words: Of all the languages in the world, English has the largest vocabulary of about 800,000 words. It has been estimated that the number of actively spoken languages in the world today is about 6,000.

8) 8)

Tom Jones
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
I'm a bit reluctant to answer one of your posts, look what happened the last time LOL.
Yes, the English language is very complicated. I am from the north of England, you may have gathered that as I have been refered to as the fat northern bird, I digress, when I was at school we learnt German as one of our foreign languages. I also lived in Germany for many years with the British Army. I must say for some strange reason I got away with the language much easier than some of my southern friends. There were so many similarities between the northern twange, geordie, and German and it made it much easier for me to understand the northern Germans. Bavarians were another matter, there was absolutely no way I could make out a word of what they were saying (and the Kurds were difficult too LOL)
I find the importance of grammar is being watered down in English schools. I have drummed it into my kids over the years the difference between your and you're, and their and there. The teachers don't seem to put as much importance on this as they used to, which is a shame. And well, text speak, that's a whole other topic!
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:I'm a bit reluctant to answer one of your posts, look what happened the last time LOL.
Yes, the English language is very complicated. I am from the north of England, you may have gathered that as I have been refered to as the fat northern bird, I digress, when I was at school we learnt German as one of our foreign languages. I also lived in Germany for many years with the British Army. I must say for some strange reason I got away with the language much easier than some of my southern friends. There were so many similarities between the northern twange, geordie, and German and it made it much easier for me to understand the northern Germans. Bavarians were another matter, there was absolutely no way I could make out a word of what they were saying (and the Kurds were difficult too LOL)
I find the importance of grammar is being watered down in English schools. I have drummed it into my kids over the years the difference between your and you're, and their and there. The teachers don't seem to put as much importance on this as they used to, which is a shame. And well, text speak, that's a whole other topic!

IMO, I think that the deterioration of the English language in schools, is due to the fact that teacher's have to spend more time with those where English is a second language and helping them along, than for those where English is their first and only language and denied proper teaching. Because of the focus given to those where English is not their first language, they are given more attention in the classroom. It can be very discouraging to those that are basically being given less attention and made to feel like second class students.

I know that this is the case in the US and probably in the UK as well. But that's something you and I can agree on I'm sure. :)

I think for students that English is a second language they should be put into one class, so as not to cause English speaking students to be held back.

I had a nephew that when he was in college, there were students where English was their second language, and when it came to exam time, they would pull their desks together and work on the exam - reason being the "language" problem. English speaking students would have been accused of cheating and received a failing makr had they done the same thing. Go figure.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
My elder daughters went to private school in the UK. A lot of the kids were Chinese, they made excellent students, pushed all the way by their rich parents. My kids benefited by being taught how to make the perfect noodles.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:My elder daughters went to private school in the UK. A lot of the kids were Chinese, they made excellent students, pushed all the way by their rich parents. My kids benefited by being taught how to make the perfect noodles.

Then it wasn't a wasted education. :lol: At the very least they could open up a noodle restaurant.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Middle daughter can knock up a good curry I believe.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
I would disagree with the second language theory BB. There are many here who are not native English speakers including myself taught by teachers who themseives were not native English speakers, and yet speak, write and converse in perfect to almost perfect English sometimes even better than native speakers.

Its just down to lazy teachers and poor schooling.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:IMO, I think that the deterioration of the English language in schools, is due to the fact that teacher's have to spend more time with those where English is a second language and helping them along, than for those where English is their first and only language and denied proper teaching. Because of the focus given to those where English is not their first language, they are given more attention in the classroom. It can be very discouraging to those that are basically being given less attention and made to feel like second class students.

I know that this is the case in the US and probably in the UK as well. But that's something you and I can agree on I'm sure. :)

I think for students that English is a second language they should be put into one class, so as not to cause English speaking students to be held back.

I had a nephew that when he was in college, there were students where English was their second language, and when it came to exam time, they would pull their desks together and work on the exam - reason being the "language" problem. English speaking students would have been accused of cheating and received a failing makr had they done the same thing. Go figure.

Well that’s most certainly one of the reasons, it’s been going on for a very long time and unfortunately It’s not about to change, from my own experiences in my final Year at a County Junior School just prior to my 11th Plus Examinations, which at the time was an important milestone in one’s education, further tertiary schooling was split into two levels, an 11th Plus pass entitled you to a College education where the facilities were considered far superior to the Secondary Schools you attended with a fail.

In the final term two foreign students were introduced to the class, my cousin and I were separated from our peer groups and given individual responsibility to babysit the new students who couldn’t speak a word of English! At the time I felt a sense of responsibility and pleased that I was chosen for the task but in later life of course I came to realise just how wrong this was.

I have two relatives who with young families at the time, considered their only option was to move from areas in the UK where there were large immigrant populations to alternative locations because their children were returning from school with their speech peppered with Pidgin English!

Lazy tutors and poor governance can be a problem in any given teaching environment, the point being made here tyhe problems associated with tutoring one class of students with mixed capabilities, DDS was a member of a class I assume, of students with similar capabilities and reinforces the point being made.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:I would disagree with the second language theory BB. There are many here who are not native English speakers including myself taught by teachers who themseives were not native English speakers, and yet speak, write and converse in perfect to almost perfect English sometimes even better than native speakers.

Its just down to lazy teachers and poor schooling.

It depends on where you get your education DD. Apparently English was being taught to non-English students. Were there many English speaking students in your schoo/classl? How many students to a class? I gather that those who learned English here were taught by people whose first language wasn't English - where else would one be taught that NoVember is pronounced NoWember?? :lol:

The US public school teaching system caters to those where English is not their first language. Remember, the majority of students in the US attend public school where parents don't pay a fee. It's open to everyone. Whereas in the UAE, free elementary and secondary education is only available to Emiratis.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
No it was an English school, All classes were taught in English right from the bottom following a british cirriculum. And yes there was small percentage of native English speaking students

The only thing I can agree with you is the accent bit, but there is no single accent of the English language as spoken by native speakers itself from the geordie to the southen thwang of Texas

But a decent school solves this problem, I have no immidately indentifiable accent on the phone I've been indetifited as anything to everything but an Asian.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:No it was an English school, All classes were taught in English right from the bottom following a british cirriculum. And yes there was small percentage of native English speaking students

The only thing I can agree with you is the accent bit, but there is no single accent of the English language as spoken by native speakers itself from the geordie to the southen thwang of Texas

But a decent school solves this problem, I have no immidately indentifiable accent on the phone I've been indetifited as anything to everything but an Asian.

As long as you say November, and not Nowember, as that would be a dead give away that the teachers were Indian.

In India those working in call centers, in spite of their being able to speak "English" were given lessons to speak "American" English as Americans were having a terrible time understanding them. I remember when outsourcing started and to be honest I was nasty as hEll with the person on the other side who didn't understand what I was saying and I couldn't understand them because when they spoke is was so damn garbled.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Americans can't understand most of what the Brits or the Ozzies are saying let alone Indians.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:No it was an English school, All classes were taught in English right from the bottom following a british cirriculum. And yes there was small percentage of native English speaking students

The only thing I can agree with you is the accent bit, but there is no single accent of the English language as spoken by native speakers itself from the geordie to the southen thwang of Texas

But a decent school solves this problem, I have no immidately indentifiable accent on the phone I've been indetifited as anything to everything but an Asian.

As long as you say November, and not Nowember, as that would be a dead give away that the teachers were Indian.

In India those working in call centers, in spite of their being able to speak "English" were given lessons to speak "American" English as Americans were having a terrible time understanding them. I remember when outsourcing started and to be honest I was nasty as hEll with the person on the other side who didn't understand what I was saying and I couldn't understand them because when they spoke is was so damn garbled.

I am slowly learning how to pronunce words and esp phone numbers so that indians can understand them.
The only problem is I now find myself talking pidgeon english, hyper extending words, and wobbling my head at [place home country here] "Indians" who have perfect english.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:IMO, I think that the deterioration of the English language in schools, is due to the fact that teacher's have to spend more time with those where English is a second language and helping them along, than for those where English is their first and only language and denied proper teaching. Because of the focus given to those where English is not their first language, they are given more attention in the classroom. It can be very discouraging to those that are basically being given less attention and made to feel like second class students.

I know that this is the case in the US and probably in the UK as well. But that's something you and I can agree on I'm sure. :)

I think for students that English is a second language they should be put into one class, so as not to cause English speaking students to be held back.

I had a nephew that when he was in college, there were students where English was their second language, and when it came to exam time, they would pull their desks together and work on the exam - reason being the "language" problem. English speaking students would have been accused of cheating and received a failing makr had they done the same thing. Go figure.

Couldn't agree more BB. This public school teacher voiced similar opinions in the UK only to get suspended.

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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
I would agree on the accent bit ala Russell Peters :D Specially if the person is from the south then its gets real tricky. But the discussion is not about accents here. It was about English atleast until when BB turned it around to non native English speaking students causing native English speaking to be left out of an education. Which I don't agree with and put down the cause to lazy students, teachers and improper schooling.

It is no mystery that the new generation is getting lazier, recent demostrations by "native English" speakers out side a spelling bee in the US that current English spelling is too difficult and confusing and should be simplified !

I think I posted that story here aswell.

-- Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:07 pm --

Surely you must jest MCL, did you not notice her last name Birbalsingh, what does she know she's not even a "native Englsih speaker" or even a Brit according to BM, and don't tell me you didn't notice that accent ! My God...Whats was all that about ! :D
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
[quote="benwj"I am slowly learning how to pronunce words and esp phone numbers so that indians can understand them.
The only problem is I now find myself talking pidgeon english, hyper extending words, and wobbling my head at [place home country here] "Indians" who have perfect english.[/quote]

I have learned that there is a method. :lol:
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:I must admit it. I never knew most of these facts!!! :D

Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About the English Language

English came from Germanic roots: When tribes from what is now Germany came to the land that would be England, they brought with them the language that would eventually grow into the dialect we use today.

The longest word in the English language: According to the Oxford English Dictionary, its pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis. 8) 8)

Interesting facts indeed yes, although not entirely correct, modern English didn’t come from Germanic roots, it started with Tribal Celt, Pict and Greek languages, the Latin influence which made the most prolific changes came from the Romans, soon after the Germanic influence came from the Anglo-Saxons from Saxony which is now part of Northern Germany and Denmark, the Scandinavian influence came from the Vikings and finally the Normans who contributed somewhere in the region of 10,000 words to the English language as we know it today.

When I was at school, Antidisestablishmentarianism was the longest word with a single meaning (Real Word)in the Oxford English Dictionary, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is not a real word it is an artificial long word describing the cause of a Lung Disease and is misspelt in the OP.

Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is The longest British word and is the name of a town on Anglesey, an island just off Wales.

:oops: Sad, I know :)
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
British word ?

Whats the English counterpart. There seems to be a debate as to which one
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:British word ?

Whats the English counterpart. There seems to be a debate as to which one

Welsh or British not English, the translation into English is something like the Church in the flowers in the valley by a pool by another church by a red cave, but I'll stand corrected on the translation, as I don't speak Welsh!


St Mary's Church in a hollow of white hazel near the swirling whirlpool of the church of St Tysilio with a red cave.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Surely you must jest MCL, did you not notice her last name Birbalsingh, what does she know she's not even a "native Englsih speaker" or even a Brit according to BM, and don't tell me you didn't notice that accent ! My God...Whats was all that about ! :D

Actually her not being white works in her favor.

" It's is fortunate indeed that Ms Birbalsingh is of Indian-Guyanese-Jamaican heritage: it makes her racially untouchable, and her gender facilitates the reception of her damning critique. If she were a lesbian, she’d have a discrimination hat-trick and her school would urgently be looking to settle out of court. Certainly, no English white male could have got away with saying such things at a Conservative Party conference without being accused of racism or of affirming the ‘nasty party’ leitmotif. "
(Borrowed without permission)

Then she's highly educated and seems willing to contribute to the welfare of society.
I don't think BM will have any problem with her.

And what's wrong with the accent? She speaks lovely English. Sheesh she's born and brought up in UK man.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
I'm forced here to use ol' FD's eye roller move here


Seems like you forgot to pick up your sarcasm on your way out this morning !

P.S : FYI : just in case you didn't know You can't actually pick up sarcasm physically. :wink:
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:I'm forced here to use ol' FD's eye roller move here


Seems like you forgot to pick up your sarcasm on your way out this morning !

Are you sure you're not mixing sarcasm with irony? Inadvertently perhaps? :P
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
WTF happened to my Signature ! Even I can't see it now.

Must investigate !
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:WTF happened to my Signature ! Even I can't see it now.

Must investigate !

Don't worry, DD, nobody misses it!!! Consider it an opportunity to find another annoying signature. :lol:
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Misery Called Life wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:Surely you must jest MCL, did you not notice her last name Birbalsingh, what does she know she's not even a "native Englsih speaker" or even a Brit according to BM, and don't tell me you didn't notice that accent ! My God...Whats was all that about ! :D

Actually her not being white works in her favor.

" It's is fortunate indeed that Ms Birbalsingh is of Indian-Guyanese-Jamaican heritage: it makes her racially untouchable, and her gender facilitates the reception of her damning critique. If she were a lesbian, she’d have a discrimination hat-trick and her school would urgently be looking to settle out of court. Certainly, no English white male could have got away with saying such things at a Conservative Party conference without being accused of racism or of affirming the ‘nasty party’ leitmotif. "
(Borrowed without permission)

Then she's highly educated and seems willing to contribute to the welfare of society.
I don't think BM will have any problem with her.

And what's wrong with the accent? She speaks lovely English. Sheesh she's born and brought up in UK man.

You got that one absolutely 100% spot on MCL, nothing to add to that summary whatsoever!
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:WTF happened to my Signature ! Even I can't see it now.

Must investigate !

Do you remember putting it there?
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:WTF happened to my Signature ! Even I can't see it now.

Must investigate !

Don't worry, DD, nobody misses it!!! Consider it an opportunity to find another annoying signature. :lol:

Done ! :D

Some new code restrictions caused my old one to vanish !
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:WTF happened to my Signature ! Even I can't see it now.

Must investigate !

Don't worry, DD, nobody misses it!!! Consider it an opportunity to find another annoying signature. :lol:

Done ! :D

Some new code restrictions caused my old one to vanish !

Actually, I like the new one. :lol:

edited to add: just looked at it in its entirety - i can see why you chose it. Freakin annoying.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Ahh DDS I see you haven't gotton over yourself yet and have yet again mentioned my name in vain. I haven't looked at the youtube thing so can't comment. I stand by my comment that too many foreigners are given British passports. we should adopt the Emirati way and never give citizenship to anyone other than native British people, whether this applies to that lady I wouldn't know. I have no problem with anyone working in Britain who contributes to our society (but not their version of it) and doesn't sponge off our over generous benefit system.
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Re: Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About English!!!! Oct 16, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Ahh DDS I see you haven't gotton over yourself yet and have yet again mentioned my name in vain.

LOOL what are you the lord. OH ! How shall I ever repent my sins ! Image :notworthy:
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