Bora Bora wrote:Speedhump wrote:This thread has turned to garbage I see, with litttle Putin crying babyishly again about the Empire that Russia never had, after kissing and making up with Bora (temporary alliance I can assure you). He has an insane fixation with it all.
Seems that nobody here is talking about any facts except MCL, Bora you better spit up some statistics or references to counter him or give up, he's talking sense. Friendly fire is one of the big problems of fighting alongside yanks, I can imagine that meds may well have something to do with it! Do you need me to find and put up some references, if so then I will?
What's with the teeth comments? So childish, no-one mentioned the vast overweight and sweating 'nation of the supersized' called USA or the drunken uneducated and corrupt masses of Russia. Are we really about namecalling?
Bora, taking stuff you read in the papers and say you have seen it all is very poor, I do not believe for one second you have seen countless British saying 'do you know who I am'. I've been here for five years and I'm lucky enough to go to the best places, and I never actually heard it once, except in jest and certainly not to anyone's face. But boy do I read the apocryphal stories....
Seems that under the veneer we have a whole bunch of racists here after all.

SH, go to Chocs. statement which started the whole thing. Funny you failed to mention her part in this, seeing as how she started it. Racist I am not, but when someone blatantly states their opinion on Americans - using a paintbrush to cover all Americans, I will go back, which is no different than you standing up for Brits when sparring with RC. And I may remind you of you comment to Rudeboy in another thread making reference to something "disgusting", in retaliation to his comments about Brits.
I referred to events happening in the UK, they are real,

ing events, not imagined. I did not call him

ing, but I did call him idiot, which I fully stand by.
SH, if you are going to point fingers, please use all the fingers on your hand. You have always been fair so I'm surprised at you being selective with your omission.
Chocs made ignorant and racist comments. So did someone called pointgiven. not sure the new Scottish guy didn't also, I'm not bothered to look back. You were all being stupid. OK, I hope that sets the record straight.
And I did not say "countless" British. I have heard "Do you know who I am" stated by several people, from different nationalities. You know as well as I do that there are people here who think they are way more important than they really are. For some reason way too many people develop this inflated self-important ego about themselves.
And I don't see where I said anything about taking "from the papers" or saying "I have seen it all".
Well, you said:
''And from my experience alot of Brits seem to be lost. I hear and have heard that so many of them ask people: "Do you know who I am?" Poor dears.''.
So either you have heard others say it, or it's in your experience, I can't make out. Either way you are saying 'a lot of brits'. Correct? But don't you know that hearsay is no proof? Isn't it better only to tell us your own experience. I always try to disregard nastiness spoken by other people, unless I know them like a sibling, or I can vouch for the information myself. I think that it makes me less gullible and more tolerant (I'm not directing this remark against you!).
I won't go into the military reference,
brought into it by Chocs, but I will state, that Iraq should have never happened, but the US did not go into it alone and they may be the only military group to suffer so greatly from depression and needed to be medicated, but being on the front line is no picnic. I think any country that were put in the position of being on the front line would also suffer emotionally. I wasn't debating what MCL said, nor disregarding it. Yes, friendly fire cannot be denied.
And may I point out that the British were guilty of friendly fire. Maybe not to the same degree, but it does happen. ... 070875.ece
I think the point is 'not to the same degree'. I'm sure other nationalities also make mistakes. occasionally. as I said if you want references I could check into it but seems silly to go that far.
And thank you for pointing out: quote [So childish,] no-one mentioned the vast overweight and sweating 'nation of the supersized' called USA or the drunken uneducated and corrupt masses of Russia. Is this a peek as to what lays under your veneer?
I guess that makes you just as guilty of the same thing.
I was trying to make a point. These are sterotypes just as you were using. Sterotypes generally have some basis in truth (small or large) but do not apply to a population as a whole.
As for the other stuff, yes, pure nonsense. (Hanging head in shame)
For you to side with the Russian is something strange indeed, I can see that Chocs upset you, but slinging mud back is not the way to go about it. The comment about Supersized America was only made for that reason, to demonstrate. I apologise if it offended, you know it's not the whole truth and so do I.