Immortality In Death?

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Immortality in Death? Jul 07, 2009
In life he was a joke,
a man confused
and considered abnormal,
But he had a talent,
Music he made,
Millions he touched.

An African American,
and a showman who broke barriers,
A man who made it possible,
so they say
for a Tiger Woods, a Kobe Bryant,
to come into our living rooms,
they say, he made it possible,
for them to elect the first African American President,
He thought them to Love, he united them!

A showman, one of the greatest he truly was,
Showmanship worth celebrating,
Even in Death!

But to call him a great human,
to portray him a kind soul,
seems like a cruel joke.
They say he led a troubled life....
What on earth were his troubles?
The fact that,
He was a pedophile?
A Black who would rather be white?

Is this some strange propaganda? I ask!
Martin Luther King III spoke,
Magic Johnson said MJ made him a better point guard,
Kobe Bryant had words of praise
Thank God Barrack Obama did'nt make an appearance!

And throughout the memorial
How could one not notice
the endless references to GOD,
as though this was a political rally,
where the holy invocation,
seems to forgive and correct all wrongs!

Prove me wrong,
but this memorial,
Seems nothing more than ridiculous propaganda!

Misery Called Life
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Jul 07, 2009
I'm watching it now. And yes, it is a bit over the top. More like a show with performers than a memorial service.

And i still can't get over how his children are all so WHITE - three for three. Even in photos there is no indication of mixed blood.

But I always have and always will love his music. Can't deny he made a great contribution to the music world. Like Elvis, he will probably make more money in death than he did in life!
Bora Bora
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Jul 08, 2009
Yea. And in a trying time like this shouldn't a daughter be with her mother? Not some uncles some grand parents. The children should be with their mother.
But no she wasn't invited. Custody battles apparently. This memorial was one big custodial advertisement for the Jackson family.
You've hit the nail on the hammer BB, there is big money to be made, and I'd be damned if the Jackson family are not eying that fortune.

Especially when the theme of the evening was unity; unity between races, religions and what not; the Jackson's couldn't even unite their family and invite the mother. Hypocrisy at it's very best!
Misery Called Life
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Jul 08, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:Yea. And in a trying time like this shouldn't a daughter be with her mother? Not some uncles some grand parents. The children should be with their mother.
But no she wasn't invited. Custody battles apparently. This memorial was one big custodial advertisement for the Jackson family.
You've hit the nail on the hammer BB, there is big money to be made, and I'd be damned if the Jackson family are not eying that fortune.

Its the other way round sonny.

The Jackson family is already rich and settled. They just want to preserve his legacy and wealth from the vultures around him, like Debbie Rowe.

Debbie Rowe contractually agreed to leave custody with MJ and pocket some 8 million dollars in compensation.

Wanna bet she will see her chance for custody rights for two of three kiddo's? California law states that a genetic parent will always keep their parental rights. So a custody battle awaits.

Its not the best way for the kids, since they will be separated and receive a mother unknown in their lifes. That won't work obviously. Katherine Jackson will be the better part, or following his will, it will be Diana Ross to take care of them kiddo's...

The one who gets the kids, gets a share of his wealth as those kids are used to a certain standard of living. So if Debbie Rowe wins, she gets a load of dollars with it...again the money incentive.

ps: The memorial was nice. Bit low key (since we are used to exuberance with Michael Jackson) but hey... California in debt, record company AEG with losses from a cancelled concert...but still footed the bill for the memorial. So thats nice.

The memory MJ lives on....
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Jul 08, 2009
Well Robby the kids is a contentious issue. I guess with celebs it's nannies who take over the role of a mother. Don't know what to make of it apart from the fact that it's plain crazy.
News channels here are talking bout a will which stated very clearly that the nanny(Katherine) be given custody of the children. Some are even saying that MJ is not really the father. Now would'nt that be weird....

Contrary to what people have believed so far, Debbie never gave away her parental rights over the two kids to Michael, making it possible for her to obtain the legal custody of both kids now that their father has passed away. Debbie's former attorney, Iris Finsilver, who represented her throughout her custody battle with Michael back in 2005 has confirmed the matter, telling People that Debbie is Prince Michael and Paris' legal parent and can gain custody of them if she chooses.

My heart goes out to Michael Jackson's children.These kids have been raised in the MOST BIZARRE lifestyle, with one parent who didn't know who they were in every since of the word and one who gave them up for a pay-off. It's sad sad sad. Then there is the problem of them coming from different doners! Good grief, Michael Jackson lived a bizarre life and left a MORE bizare mess as his legacy. This whole horrible situation should be a lesson to people that how your own selfish indulgences effect innocent people!
Misery Called Life
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Jul 08, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:Well Robby the kids is a contentious issue. I guess with celebs it's nannies who take over the role of a mother. Don't know what to make of it apart from the fact that it's plain crazy.
News channels here are talking bout a will which stated very clearly that the nanny(Katherine) be given custody of the children. Some are even saying that MJ is not really the father. Now would'nt that be weird....

You are bad informed MCL.

Katherine is the mother of Michael Jackson. She's around 80 years old and knows the kids very well. They get support from the former nanny if they require, according to the nanny statement.

Diana Ross was closer to MJ than a mother (Rowe) that signs an agreement to give custody rights away for $8 million dollars in compensation IMHO....

I don't think he's the genetic parent of the kiddo's either. But hey, who cares. There Jacksons now. :wink:
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Jul 08, 2009
Sorry typo error. Well pointed.......
The nanny is Grace Rwaramba ( she's been with Micheal for 17 years although suspended last December). The mother Debbie never gave away her parental rights. She only divorced Micheal and if she wants I guess she can actually file an appeal. The third child is any one's guess!

Either way this is so freakin screwed up! And I'm not gonna waste any more time reading it up. Investments and Foreign Exchanges are less brain racking.

Your right though the children are Jackson's now, and only the Jackson's can give them the lifestyle they are so accustomed to!

Misery Called Life
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Another fake fine Jul 09, 2009
Well while selling my wheels today I was surprised to see I have a 200 dhs for traffic obstruction. Its dated last month on the day of my birthday at 14.30.

I know for a fact in the last two months I haven't been out of the house before 4.00pm !and really do remember being at home in Shj at that specially since it was my birthday.

This is the 2nd time I have been fined wrongly !!! I know its no point contesting the fine. Its not worth the time and effort ! :roll:
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