We all face this problem now and then....I mean...you go somewhere you meet old buddies or school teachers...and just coz u ok with each other the person blasts you asking you "How much do you earn"
I mean...thats kinda rude but what does he care =/
I had my school principle ask me this.....
I had my uncle ask me this....
I had some pretty interesting people who play important roles ask me this....
worst part is i cant lie.....it shows on my face...I mean..in the end....its always a positive or negative feedback from them...
You say i make alot...they start saying "aaah yess....dam bast**d"
You say im a poor guy...then they start giving you advice...
I guess the solution would be to try and avoid it....keep the answers very short and simple and try not to continue with the conversation....
My usuall reply would be 5+ (commision) so this way...they cant say you doing too good or doing too bad...
You have ideas to use as an excuse?