OK the technical bit;
He, Pronoun, used to refer to a male previously mentioned …
Him, Pronoun, used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a male previously mentioned …
Statement; “and cursing him in public while he was under the influence of alcohol.” Reads him and he, are referring to the same person?
Result; Ambiguous, Adjective, open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
Now, the funny bit,
Dillon wrote:Well it’s unusual for the prosecutors to curse anyone! let alone a drunken Ex-Pat, but never mind, he probably won’t remember much, if anything, about it in the morning.

This was an attempt at a humorous interpretation of the OP statement. Sadly it would appear that BM was the ONLY one who saw the funny side of my comment, I shall however not be deterred by this minor setback and persevere with my efforts to bring a little humorous diversion to the odd post every now and then. And just for the record, you'll note the 'smiley' in my original comment and I don’t like Vodka!