Chocoholic wrote:FeiPo, get rid of the attitude!
With the wne scenario, it is your duty to be able to provide every item you have on the menu to the customer. It is NOT their fault YOU ran out.
It's not always about people wanting to get freebies - how narrow minded is that! - but some people just know what they like and that's that.
If your outlet is in a hotel, which I assume it is, did you go to one of the other places to see if they had any stock?
You missed the point completely.
you are right! I did not miss any point. I agree totally it is my duty to stock up, if it run out it's my fault, if the supplier cannot supplier enough stock is also my fault, there is no excuse, coz customer will not ask you about your supplier, if you are our is your fault. BUT it doesn't mean people can use this as an excuse to ask for discount. I got complaints sometimes about food, sometimes about service, but trust me, the people who truely want to make a comment or they truely not happy about something will just tell me or the management. NOT asking for a discount!! And certainly will not come back to eat for free <--- with the attitude like 'I am giving you one more chance (for free) it is your pleasure to have me to give you one more chance to make me happy' PUKED!!! if the food is so bad and the service is so bad why come back?
My point is to those 'cheap' people, making excuses to get freebies. I am in the hospitality and totally understand what is a customer satisfaction, but hey sh*t happen... ... I try my best to do my job, but there is no excuse for people trying to push to get discount and think that they entitle for it. And I mean those people are nasty, they treat the staff like sh*t, shouting or talking very loud and got angry over one item is not available out of 100 items? I do not know how angry you will get if a waitress come to you and say sorry madam today's lobster is out. Tell you what at the end they all say one sentence
'you have to do something about it' or
'you have to do something to compensate me'
You know what, I feel ashame to walk into the restaurant where I made a complain 3 days ago to eat there for free!!! If I decide to go back and give it a try again, I will pay! If my favourite item is not on the menu, I will walk out. If I need to express my disappointment I will write a comment card, or complain to the manager. I cannot ask for a discount on something else to compensate the item they are not available. What is the point of it? Does the discount makes it taste like my favourite one?
I am only pointing out the black sheep!! Not saying people are not allow to complain. Consumers can make their comment anytime, but a discount is not entitled.
I have been to country like Australia, or the
UK... I have been into a pub or restaurant that they ran out of my favourite beer, and the service is almost like selfservice. I do not see any people complain about the service or asking for discount. Why do it here? I certainly did not see some customer raise their tone to the staff in those countries! Maybe the four years of living in Australia is a short time or a couple weeks visiting the UK is even shorter, but I have been in Dubai 20 months and I see it almost everyday!