How To Catch A Thief!

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How To Catch a Thief! Oct 23, 2012
A few days back, I posted about something quite low tech. in "Who Remembers this?" or something to that effect. CBA to check :drunken: :P
And BM got it! Well done BM!
Now, for some wonders of High Tech.
Here's an interesting true story that I heard.
Someone got the latest iPhone, and got on the subway in NYC. When he reached home, the phone was gone. No great surprise there.
Next, he remembered the phone had some features, something to do with WiFi, GPS and Google and he was able to get the exact location of where his phone was at that moment. The phone was able to give him the exact address, which was in Pennsylvania somewhere. Great, he thought, now what do I do with this information??
So, he got on Twitter, and tweeted his heart out.
He wasn't expecting what happened next. One of his followers in Penn. phoned him to say he had contacted the man at that address. This was followed by a call from the thief himself, saying how sorry he was, and that he regretted what he had done, and was going to return his property to him.
The owner accepted the apology, and decided not to press charges.
Now there is a sort of a vilification campaign against the owner on Twitter, saying how mean he has been to reveal the thief's address, and how he had thoughtlessly invaded someone's privacy!
Is the world going mad, or is there something wrong with my thinking?
Are people actually sympathizing with a thief?? :shock:

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Re: How To Catch a Thief! Oct 23, 2012
Frequentflier wrote:Is the world going mad

Yes, WHO research shows over a third of the world population has/had a mental disorder.
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Re: How To Catch A Thief! Oct 23, 2012

Getting down with the kids I see! :P
I don't allow CBA to be uttered in my house, nor 'I'm bored'.

Anyway back on topic. I'm not surprised some people are sticking up for the thief. Not a lot surprises me these days. I see there were a number of people making vile tweets about Adele and her new baby, while others tweet in favour of police murderers etc.

There is, indeed, a lot of mental illness out there and I seem to speak to many disturbed people everyday. Of course, they think they are perfectly normal and that I'm the strange one. :bom:
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Re: How To Catch A Thief! Oct 23, 2012
FlyingDutchman wrote:Yes, WHO research shows over a third of the world population has/had a mental disorder
BMreformed wrote:There is, indeed, a lot of mental illness out there

What a dangerous place the world is for us normal folks!! :P
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Re: How To Catch A Thief! Oct 24, 2012
I'm surrounded by nutters.
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Re: How To Catch A Thief! Oct 24, 2012
Actually, the commotion was created out of boredom , and habit they have deveoloped of tweeting something without thinking about it , if you see the twitter trends its always over something idiotic
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Re: How To Catch A Thief! Oct 24, 2012
BMreformed wrote:I'm surrounded by nutters.

No you're not! :drunken:
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