i showed up at about 11 with some of the snacks she asked for, i parked by her house, gave her the bag, sprayed some cologne coz my car smelled like a take away from the food that i brought with me. once i walked in, one thing caught my eyes straight away, it wasnt the loud music, not the crazy lights in the the dark, not the pretty girls, and not the people dancing drunk all over the place. it was two emiraties in kandooras and ghutras on their heads, i'm emiraty and i didnt like it one bit, i went omg what the f@ck is this, i'm the very traditional type of emiraty, but theres no way i would show up for a party of that kind and pretty much expect the type of people who would show up and still be dressed in a kandoora, no way, it was weird, they looked weird sitting there on the couch with beer bottles in there hands, actualy its disrespectful to do that wearing the national costume and doing that in my opinion at first. second, i see the other guys looking at them in a weird way (ofcourse they would, i did too). why couldnt you just dress for the occasion? a pair of jeans and a t shirt would do just fine, dont show up to such places looking like you're entering a mosque for prayers.
but hold on, three more showed up , noooooo, what the hell is going on, common.
i went outside for some fresh air and was chatting with this south african girl, yumm, anyway and she told me that she was done drinking for the night, coz she tends to get over friendly when she starts to get drunk, and she does not want to be in that mood around them lol, i told her that i am emiraty and i'm a man and they freak me out, so i could pretty much feel what u r trying to tell me, she was actually shocked to find that i was emiraty because of the way i dress and my whole attitude in whole, anyway, then showed up another emiraty who absolutly killed it with his white suite which didnt even fit him and his girl who dressed like they came from the prom. those guys who showed up either didnt dress up for it or over killed it. thats when i said: f@ck it, i'm not staying here and left, it was just too damn weird to be there lol.
i'm like i said a very traditional type of emiraty, but i rarely wear a kandoora unless i'm at work or going to a place wear it requires me to, i'm always in western apparel otherwise, and i try my best to look my best and classiest whatever i wear weather formally or informally, and everyone is used to that about me, some even to go for a change of look and ask me for advice, change is good.
don't wear kandooras in such places, you look weird, even to me, probably mostly to me
and suits are not an exeption