Higher Education In UAE?

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Higher Education in UAE? Nov 16, 2006
Was wondering if anybody living in the UAE had information about mid-career professional graduate programs.

If you were keen to go, would you head abroad or consider options in the UAE? Thanks.

Dubai Forum Guest
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Re:last message Nov 16, 2006
By the way, I'm asking because I'm looking to advance my career by taking a year off to enroll in a master's program for mid-career professionals. I am most interested in international affairs and diplomacy and I'm not sure what the options are in Dubai?

I've been working for the last seven years -- four in the financial sector and three for an international organization based in Dubai. I have a life here and would like to stay, but am not sure that this is the best thing for me academically. Thanks for any advice!
Dubai Forum Guest
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Nov 16, 2006
Hi. I am in a similiar situation. I am an Emirati citizen who attended university in Australia. I have been working for a few years in Dubai now and would like to go back to school for similiar IR program. Not interested in the executive ed programs though.

Have heard about a lot of foreign universities opening up here lately, but not sure about caliber, or whether a lot of Emirati students are expected to enroll? Would be interested to know what is out there. Ideas?
UAE, Dubai Forum starter
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Some ideas Nov 17, 2006
Have you heard about Georgetown opening in Qatar? They may have some courses for you, not sure. Also the Fletcher School which has a good rep from what I hear is opening up next door in Abu Dhabi.

Anyone know anything more about either of these? Sorry Cooper.
UAE, Dubai Forum starter
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Nov 18, 2006
Thanks for taking the time to write!
Dubai Forum Guest
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