I Hate Fish!

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I Hate Fish! Jan 29, 2012
I can't stand fish, not to eat or look at. I just can't see the attraction of having a gold fish bowl where the thing just swims around in circles and looks at you occasionally whilst opening and closing it's mouth.
I can't stand the sight of dead fish, although I did drag Beth to the fish market in Dubai just out of curiousity. The smell was horrendous.
I don't eat fish and never have done, although I don't mind Bird's Eye fish fingers in a sandwich, but that's not really fish, is it? Fish are scavengers and why would you want to eat something that eats crap? Urgh!

We went out to eat last night. I'm not that bothered about eating but I like the social bit of it. I had a starter for the main course. It was deep fried Brie, not a really healthy option but I do love cheese. It came with red onion marmalade and a side salad of lettuce tomatoes cucumber etc and strawberries and apple. There was also a warm roll and I ordered a side order of chips (french fries to you foreigners). I like mayo on my chips, a habit I picked up from the Snell Imbiss in Deutschland. It was delicious even though I didn't eat the salad, bread or finish the chips. As my Mother was keen to tell me, my eyes are bigger than my stomach.

Beth ordered scampi in a tortilla basket which came with salad and she too, ordered chips as a side. I had to remind her that, like me, she doesn't like fish. She told me she doesn't like fish but does like scampi.

It reminded me of my eldest daughter. She doesn't like fish either but orders garlic prawns when we have tapas. When I was asking why she had taken to eating prawns she said her husband had made her try one and she liked them. He likes fish and eats it regularly. My daughter says it is all my fault that she doesn't like fish as I have a thing about it and have passed it on to all of my children.
She might have a point.

Is there any food that you have an aversion to?

I hate fish!

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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 29, 2012
Stomach and snail, they both made me literally puke!

But I love fish, especially raw sour herring with onions. My favorite!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 29, 2012
Love fish!!! Especially snails smothered in garlic and butter. :D with bread to soak up the butter. Love sushi and raw oysters and clams. Love mussels in a white wine or red sauce. Stuffed calamari the way the Egyptians do it. Yum Yum lobster and shrimp. Love anchovies in salad and on pizza, and oil, garlic, anchovy pasta. The only kind of fish I don't like is oily fish and I don't care for grilled tuna. Do love salmon.

What I do hate are the bones!!! Went out to dinner last night and hubby ordered a fish dinner. It was deep fried and he gave me a piece which ended up being a mouthful of bones!!! He thought it was fillet. He so struggled through his meal while I enjoyed mine. :D
Bora Bora
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 29, 2012
Bora Bora wrote: Love sushi and raw oysters and clams. Love mussels in a white wine or red sauce.

Oh yeah!!! You should really go to Antwerp once for the mussels and the sauces!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 29, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:But I love fish, especially raw sour herring with onions. My favorite!
Rollmops FD? Minging.

--- Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:21 pm ---

Flying Dutchman wrote:Stomach !

It's called Tripe in my part of the world FD. My mother used to love Tripe and onions. The tripe was cooked in milk. YUK!

I'm waiting for Dillon to pop in with a recipe :D

I used to buy green tripe for my dogs, that's not for human consumption, but neither should be white Tripe either :shock:

--- Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:21 pm ---

Bora Bora wrote:Love fish!!!
I must be the only person in the world to hate fish. :?

--- Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:23 pm ---

Flying Dutchman wrote:Oh yeah!!! You should really go to Antwerp once for the mussels and the sauces

This must be the only thing the Belgians do well. I don't like their road signs!
It reminds me of the times I used to drive to Zeebrugge. My daughter once commented that Uitrit must be a big place as it was sign posted at every exit. :D
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 29, 2012
LOL, no not rollmops. The real kind, the one you take
by the tail, head backwards, month open, tongue out, and let it slid in.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 29, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:LOL, no not rollmops. The real kind, the one you take
by the tail, head backwards, month open, tongue out, and let it slid in.

Errrr!!! That's torture!
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 29, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:LOL, no not rollmops. The real kind, the one you takeby the tail, head backwards, month open, tongue out, and let it slid in.

Let what slide in FD? :shock: You are starting to worry me. :mrgreen:

Love the pickled herring in sour cream and onions. Years ago there used to be a German deli back home that made fresh pickled herring as well as cucumbers marinated in water, sugar, vinegar and dill. Yum Yum.
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 29, 2012
Well, it is said that, literally, you are what you eat!

In about 3 months, most of the cells of our body have been renewed, and the new cells are made up of whatever nourishment you have been feeding them! Thats where the groundwork of many diseases is laid down. The so-called diseases of affluence!
Scientific thought appears to have gone full circle. Arguably, the Paleo Diet is now considered to be good for you. Paleo from the Paleolithic Period, of our ancestors of the Stone Age! In other words, go back to the Caveman's diet for a healthy you!

Fish is good for you. So are berries, seeds, nuts and eggs. And raw vegetables. Etc.

Alcohol is bad. It dissolves fats. Fats are an important component of the cell-wall, most importantly brain cells, so even in small quantities, it damages the cells that it comes in contact with. Alcohol is also classed as a food and is very high in calories which adds to making us overweight by depositing fat in our bodies :D
Water is good!
That sounds exciting! Everything 'Good' seems to be 'Bad' :lol:
Happy eating and drinking :lol:
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 30, 2012
I love fish! In fact I cooked pan seared Salmon fillets on a bed of prawn linguine last night - it was fab! Fish is soooo good for you, it's one of the 'brain' foods. Can't stand things like jellied eels though (my mum loves them), or welks - blurgh.

I love Sushi and can't get enough of it, although I draw the line at octopus, seeing the suckers really puts me off.

My father loves tripe and onion soup, it just makes me want to hurl. Not a fan of any kind of offal to be honest, that's just nasty.

Zonker, 'some' alcohol is good for you, it's been proven time and time again that red wine in moderation is good for the cardivascular system and staves off heart disease. 'Some' fats are good for you, not all, some are terribly bad.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 30, 2012
I love Fish, it is important to us it gives us health benefits, Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as D and B2, it is also ich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.

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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 30, 2012
zonker ,

I'm a big believer in a little of what you fancy, does you good.

I have a friend who lives in London and I was invited to her house for dinner on one of my recent visits to the capital. She appeared to be a very healthy specimen for her age (in her 60's). She was petite with wonderful skin and hair. She told me she ate a very healthy diet and insisted on having green veg with every meal. She also drank very little alcohol. We ate a lovely meal, some dishes from your part of the world, as it happens, served with a bowl of green beans. She serves green beans with everything, it appeared. I think one of the dishes contained fish but as I was too polite to tell her I hated fish I just swallowed it and practised mind over matter, to me it tasted just like chicken :D We drank half a bottle of wine between us, which equates to one small glass.
Now to the crunch of my story. Not long after, my friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and has undergone a double masectomy. She now faces 28 sessions of radiotherapy carried out on a daily basis in a major London hospital.
So much for her healthy eating regime, eh?
I look to my father, he is a fit 82 year old. He has his own teeth (not one filling) his own hair (all of it!) and is bright as a button. He will have drunk his body weight in beer over his years in the British Forces and eaten a variety of things, propbably not all good and he has smoked (although not for a number of years). I can't say he eates fish either.
He doesn't appear to ail much at all.

So you can preach a healthy eating and drinking regime till you're blue in the face and I'll stick to a little (or a lot if I'm in that frame of mind) of what you fancy does you good. After all, we could all be dead tomorrow.

--- Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:50 pm ---

Chocoholic wrote:Zonker, 'some' alcohol is good for you, it's been proven time and time again that red wine in moderation is good for the cardivascular system and staves off heart disease. 'Some' fats are good for you, not all, some are terribly bad.

Chocs, the phrase 'don't teach your grandmother how to suck eggs' comes to mind after I read your post. You giving medical advice to Zonker is like me giving tennis tips to Novak Djokovic. :D

If you get my drift!

--- Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:52 pm ---

erika08 wrote:I love Fish, it is important to us it gives us health benefits, Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as D and B2, it is also ich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.

That's all very well erika but it tastes foul to me. I'd rather eat nothing that have to eat fish.
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 30, 2012
Bethsmum , What? So is Zonker some kind of medical professional then? I guess you'd know right? Anyway it's been proven scientifically for years that certain alcohols are good for you.

You are right about everything in moderation. My grandfather died at 92, was still living alone, still driving, still had all his hair, was active etc. He had a full English breakfast everyday and a glass of red wine or nip of brandy before bed everyday. He lived life to the full and wouldn't hear of getting old, there was nothing he couldn't so as far as he was concerned.
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 30, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:Bethsmum , What? So is Zonker some kind of medical professional then? I guess you'd know right? Anyway it's been proven scientifically for years that certain alcohols are good for you.

Far be it for me to say what Zonker does for a living, Chocs, but I can say he is highly qualified in his chosen profession. If you look at his profile, which he has recently updated, he says he is a cross between a plumber and a cabinet maker.

He also is partial to a drink or three, I know that also, in fact he has said so on this very forum. Chivas Regal is his chosen tipple.

--- Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:37 pm ---

Chocoholic wrote:You are right about everything in moderation. My grandfather died at 92, was still living alone, still driving, still had all his hair, was active etc. He had a full English breakfast everyday and a glass of red wine or nip of brandy before bed everyday. He lived life to the full and wouldn't hear of getting old, there was nothing he couldn't so as far as he was concerned.

Excellent! That's what I like to hear, someone who enjoyed his life, just like my dad does.
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 31, 2012
So back to fish....i don't mind actual fish all that much (like erika said omega 3 n stuff...good for health), but i hate the other sea crap ppl eat. Hoowever.... i love fishing :D

he is a cross between a plumber and a cabinet maker

hmm.....wht do you do zonker?
All i can think of is my building's watchman...he does all the maintenance for my flat :P
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 31, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:that certain alcohols are good for you.

Chocs, Glycol is an alcohol used in anti-freeze, and Methanol is another alcohol also called methylated spirit. Both are deadly poisonous!

The only alcohol fit for human consumption is Ethanol, in low concentrations. At concentrations higher than 70% it kills all living cells on contact, and is used as a very effective antiseptic in many hospitals!

tony89 , at first I thought you were someone's re-incarnation. Now it appears that you are the new joker in the DF pack :lol:

Call your building's watchman when you spring a leak.
You deserve nothing less :P
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 31, 2012
zonker , So I take it you don't drink then lol
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 31, 2012

I feel sad for you, but it's your choice.
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 31, 2012
erika08 ,

I would hardly describe not liking fish as being sad erika.
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 31, 2012
zonker , i prefer u call it a community or a club or a clan but not a pack, we aint dogs u noe...

He's a good lad, this watchman. I like him. He's a bearded, hardworking, yet to be middle aged, egyptian man who knows it all, does it all, comes when u call, doesn't stall and leaves u with no complaints at all. He doesn't talk too much and more importantly he's very gentle on the wallet :P

so zonker answer this, what's a cross between a plumber and cabinet maker :P

She feels sad for you Bethsmum , cuz your not getting your omega 3 n stuff. Be a bit adventurous sometime and have fish woman. It might be a bit poke-y but its good for your health.
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 31, 2012
tony89 wrote:She feels sad for you Bethsmum , cuz your not getting your omega 3 n stuff. Be a bit adventurous sometime and have fish woman. It might be a bit poke-y but its good for your health.

Don't worry about me tony, what I lack in omega, I make up for in other nutrients.

It contains at least 3 vitamins: C, B12, and E. It also contains important minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and phosphor. Two sweeteners, fructose (found in fruits) and sorbitol are in there too. It also contains proteins. Strangely, all this makes for an exceptional nutritional supplement

Guess? :D
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 31, 2012
ummm....sorb- whaa ? lol

Chocoholic , I think Beth's mum is talking to you .....
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 31, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:zonker , So I take it you don't drink then lol

As BM has pointed out, I do Chocs! This will be one of my New Year's resolutions for 2013!
tony89 wrote:so zonker answer this, what's a cross between a plumber and cabinet maker

You dont NOE?? :shock:

Ask your Watchman :P
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Re: I Hate Fish! Jan 31, 2012
I went to Carrefour yesterday and in the meat section I thought I died and went to heaven!! They had flank steak!!!! Marinated it for the entire day, broiled it, and yum, yum, yum. Oh, and split a bottle of white with Mr BB. :wink:
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Re: I Hate Fish! Feb 01, 2012
aah my watchman is watching over the bldg now, anyone else here noes the answer? please, educate me.
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Re: I Hate Fish! Feb 01, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:They had flank steak!!!!

What is flank steak Bora?

--- Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:34 am ---

tony89 wrote:anyone else here noes the answer? please, educate me.

I do tony but if I tell you, I would have to kill you. I'm still waiting for you to guess where I get my nutrients from! :shock:
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Re: I Hate Fish! Feb 01, 2012
I like fish, any fish, but it has to be fresh, I was once poisoned by an unscrupulous fishmonger in London some Years ago and believe you me, buying fish is something I’ve been very careful about ever since, and I always avoid farmed fish whenever it’s labelled, it just doesn't taste like the real thing!

I remember an article I read many Years ago about a Japanese farmer who reared trout, in pools under battery hens kept in mesh cages and the trouts diet of fish pellets was supplemented by the chicken litter which dropped through the mesh, the business didn't last long as the trout tasted like chicken!

Beef Flank in the US is known in the UK as Skirt, good taste but needs plenty of cooking.


Is it Marmite BM?

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Re: I Hate Fish! Feb 01, 2012
Dillon wrote:Beef Flank in the US is known in the UK as Skirt, good taste but needs plenty of cooking.

Thanks for the clarification Dillon. I had visions of a fish with a flank.

--- Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:30 am ---

Dillon wrote:Is it Marmite BM?

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Re: I Hate Fish! Feb 01, 2012
Then it's a pearl necklace.
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Re: I Hate Fish! Feb 01, 2012
Dillon wrote:Then it's a pearl necklace.

Well I haven't heard it called that before but now you mention it.
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