^ian^ wrote:St.Lucifer wrote:Agree with most of the Flash based sites.. but there are some notably good designers too.. HTML is still the best markup for presentation.. nothign has/can really replace(d) it....but ofcourse it is very limited in programming terms..
Well, there's a strong trend towards CSS these days which I think goes beyond strict 'HTML'. For me it's a trend towards unnecessary complexity and therefore I do not like it.
Not to be confused with XML though, which I fully support.
HTML is clearly a mark up langauge.. CSS has been there for a long time as well... While HTML does the mark up CSS concentrates on the presentation or say the color, lay out font head presentation.. its more of a natural evolution that came out of HTML's growth.. earlier days styling/presentation used to be just a part of the content itself.. i remember during my school days it wasnt seperated for the first few exercises..but as it grew the thought it'd b better if they kept styles and content seperate.. and they came up with CSS or an earlier version of what we see today.
What ever may b the programming back end (.net, php, jsp et al) what the server spits out on a request in most of the cases is still the basic html with css.
about XML.. apart from the similarity in name, it can hardly be compared to HTML..or even its erstwhile superset sgml..
Its now an open standard.. its used for content storage.. (like html).. and mixed with XSL and XSLT can be used for a powerful user driven lay out experience..its used in web services, SVG etc and even can b used as a light weight database..