Has This Ever Happened Before????

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Has this ever happened before???? Apr 16, 2010
Volcanic ash shutting down airports in the UK, France, and Northern Europe.

What a mess!!!

Expecting a friend to come from the US via Paris tonight but he called saying he’s still stranded at Charles De Gaulle.

I don't remeber if this ever happened in Europe!!

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Tom Jones
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 16, 2010
It's doing my frikken head in!
I was supposed to be flying back to the UK today and now im stuck here until god knows when, all my plans have gone down the drain :evil:
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 16, 2010
MethoD wrote:It's doing my frikken head in!
I was supposed to be flying back to the UK today and now im stuck here until god knows when, all my plans have gone down the drain :evil:

Sorry to hear about that!!

This has definitely been a disastrous day for the airline industry, and a miserable day for a lot of stranded passengers!!!

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Tom Jones
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 16, 2010
Hey Robby…

Stick your head out the window and see if you can spot any black clouds in the sky!!!

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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 16, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:Volcanic ash shutting down airports in the UK, France, and Northern Europe.

What a mess!!!

Expecting a friend to come from the US via Paris tonight but he called saying he’s still stranded at Charles De Gaulle.

I don't remeber if this ever happened in Europe!!

8) 8)

The volcanic erruptions are based in Iceland, but how come it effected the whole northern region all the way to France :shock: God knows what's the situation like in Iceland itself :roll:
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 16, 2010
In 1980, Mount St Helens erupted in Washington State and the dust fallout from that reached Europe. I recall the sunsets that year as being simply incredible!

Robbie is probably watching a different kind of ash falling...

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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 16, 2010
The volcanic organic compounds are considered as primary pollutant :idea:
We don't have volcanoes here thank God :roll:
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 16, 2010
symmetric wrote:The volcanic organic compounds are considered as primary pollutant :idea:
We don't have volcanoes here thank God :roll:

Try Dreamland Aquapark in Umm Al Quwain...they have one!

:D :D :D

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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 16, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:
symmetric wrote:The volcanic organic compounds are considered as primary pollutant :idea:
We don't have volcanoes here thank God :roll:

Try Dreamland Aquapark in Umm Al Quwain...they have one!

:D :D :D


Priceless DK :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 17, 2010

Major airports in Europe are still shutdown for the third full day.

Some say it might even go on for much longer (perhaps up to aweek)!!!

I'm sure this has never happened before!!!!

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Tom Jones
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 17, 2010
1783, Laki vulcano on Iceland. Next to the one that is currently spitting his ash out. World wide consequences. You can imagine that the target reductions for global warming is the biggesth hoax we've ever encountered. Mother nature corrects us when necessary. We don't need scientist to take charge.

This, below, happened in 1783 as a result of the Laki fissure. The current vulcano next to this one, can take months before it goes back into coma. :wink:

Consequences in Iceland
The consequences for Iceland—known as the Mist Hardships—were catastrophic. An estimated 20-25% of the population died in the famine and fluorine poisoning after the fissure eruptions ceased. Around 80% of sheep, 50% of cattle and 50% of horses died because of dental and skeletal fluorosis from the 8 million tons of hydrogen fluoride that were released.

The parish priest Jón Steingrímsson grew famous because of his eldmessa ("fire sermon"). The people of the small town of Kirkjubæjarklaustur were worshipping while the town was endangered by a lava stream, which ceased to flow not far from town, with the townsfolk still in church..
"This past week, and the two prior to it, more poison fell from the sky than words can describe: ash, volcanic hairs, rain full of sulfur and saltpeter, all of it mixed with sand. The snouts, nostrils, and feet of livestock grazing or walking on the grass turned bright yellow and raw. All water went tepid and light blue in color and gravel slides turned gray. All the earth's plants burned, withered and turned gray, one after another, as the fire increased and neared the settlements."

Center of the Laki Fissure
Consequences in Europe
An estimated 120 million tons of sulfur dioxide were emitted, approximately equivalent to three times the total annual European industrial output in 2006, and also equivalent to a Mount Pinatubo-1991 eruption every three days.[6] This outpouring of sulfur dioxide during unusual weather conditions caused a thick haze to spread across western Europe, resulting in many thousands of deaths throughout 1783 and the winter of 1784.

The summer of 1783 was the hottest on record and a rare high pressure zone over Iceland caused the winds to blow to the south-east. The poisonous cloud drifted to Bergen in Norway, then spread to Prague in the Province of Bohemia by 17 June, Berlin by 18 June, Paris by 20 June, Le Havre by 22 June, and to Great Britain by 23 June. The fog was so thick that boats stayed in port, unable to navigate, and the sun was described as "blood coloured".
Inhaling sulfur dioxide gas causes victims to choke as their internal soft tissue swells. The local death rate in Chartres was up by 5% during August and September, with over 40 dead. In Great Britain, the records show that the additional deaths were outdoor workers, and perhaps 2-3 times above the normal rate in Bedfordshire, Lincolnshire and the east coast. It has been estimated that 23,000 British people died from the poisoning in August and September.
The haze also heated up, causing severe thunderstorms with hailstones that were reported to have killed cattle, until it dissipated in the autumn. This disruption then led to a most severe winter in 1784, in which Gilbert White at Selborne in Hampshire reported 28 days of continuous frost. The extreme winter is estimated to have caused 8,000 additional deaths in the UK. In the spring thaw, Germany and Central Europe then reported severe flood damage.
The meteorological impact of Laki resonated on, contributing significantly to several years of extreme weather in Europe. In France a sequence of extremes included a surplus harvest in 1785 that caused poverty for rural workers, accompanied by droughts and bad winters and summers, including a violent hailstorm in 1788 that destroyed crops. This in turn contributed significantly to the build up of poverty and famine that may have contributed to the French Revolution in 1789. Laki was only a factor in a decade of climatic disruption, as Grímsvötn was erupting from 1783–1785 and a recent study of El Niño patterns also suggests an unusually strong El-Niño effect from 1789-93.

Consequences in North America
In North America, the winter of 1784 was the longest and one of the coldest on record. It was the longest period of below-zero temperatures in New England, the largest accumulation of snow in New Jersey, and the longest freezing over of the Chesapeake Bay. There was ice skating in Charleston Harbor, a huge snowstorm hit the south, the Mississippi River froze at New Orleans, and there was ice in the Gulf of Mexico.

Other consequences
There is also evidence that the Laki eruption had effects beyond Europe, with weakened African and Indian monsoon circulations, leading to precipitation anomalies of -1 to -3 mm (-0.04 to -0.12 inch) per day over the Sahel of Africa, resulting in, among other effects, low flow in the River Nile.[12] It may also have exacerbated the Tenmei famine in Japan.
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 17, 2010
You may also note that the weather systems in 1783 also allowed man to test fly and then successfully launch the first ever flying machine.

In 17th July 1783, the Montgolfier brothers, Joseph and Etienne, test flew their prototype balloon in Annonay, France, with the passengers being a sheep, a rooster and duck. The balloon landed safely in a nearby farmers field, the only casualty being the duck which was trampled by the sheep when the gondola pitched over on landing and the animals were able to escape!

On 21st November 1783, Jean Pilatre de Rozier and his press-ganged friend, the Duc D'Arlandes, launched and flew the first man carrying balloon from the Tuillerie Gardens in the centre of Paris for a duration of 32 minutes and landed safely in the Bois de Boulogne, having crossed the Seine twice and nearly ditching in it when they were so enamored of the view, they forgot to feed the brazier that kept them aloft with a pungent mixture of straw and animal fat.

Quite a year, 1783!

Please note: not a single cut and paste!

:D :D :D

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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 17, 2010
Facts are brighter when you quote them.

Your BMW knowledge was crappy also. Better copy paste mate. At least then you get your facts right ;)
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 17, 2010
symmetric wrote:God knows what's the situation like in Iceland itself :roll:

Iceland airports were open oddly enough.
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 17, 2010
i think one of the BA flights crashed when this happened the last time.
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
rudeboy wrote:i think one of the BA flights crashed when this happened the last time.

Hey snorker, in 1783, British Airways didn't exist yet. Try the IQ test :lol: :mrgreen: :blackeye:
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
RobbyG wrote:
rudeboy wrote:i think one of the BA flights crashed when this happened the last time.

Hey snorker, in 1783, British Airways didn't exist yet. Try the IQ test :lol: :mrgreen: :blackeye:

He must mean the BA flight over Indonesia that was hit by volcanic ash, I believe in 1980 or so. All four engines failed and the plane glided for a long time before the pilots were able to miraculously restart 2 engines. The plane later landed safely.

Upon landing on the runway, I remember reading that the pilot had to stick his head out of the little side window in order to see the runway, because the windshield was completely covered with black ash!!!

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Tom Jones
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
yep TJ thats the one :D

oh bobby no wonder you DID so well in the IQ test ;)

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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
rudeboy wrote:i think one of the BA flights crashed when this happened the last time.

Hey snorker, in 1783, British Airways didn't exist yet. Try the IQ test :lol: :mrgreen: :blackeye:

He must mean the BA flight over Indonesia that was hit by volcanic ash, I believe in 1980 or so. All four engines failed and the plane glided for a long time before the pilots were able to miraculously restart 2 engines. The plane later landed safely.

Upon landing on the runway, I remember reading that the pilot had stick his head out of the little side window in order to see the runway, because the windshield was completely covered with black ash!!!

8) 8)

I know, I hold you responsible for spoiling my RB bash now. :P

This is an actual image of the three vulcanos grouped on Iceland. Looks like the Nordic God Loki !

See? :lol:
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
RobbyG wrote:1783, Laki vulcano on Iceland. Next to the one that is currently spitting his ash out. World wide consequences. You can imagine that the target reductions for global warming is the biggesth hoax we've ever encountered. Mother nature corrects us when necessary. We don't need scientist to take charge.

This, below, happened in 1783 as a result of the Laki fissure. The current vulcano next to this one, can take months before it goes back into coma. :wink:

Consequences in Iceland
The consequences for Iceland—known as the Mist Hardships—were catastrophic. An estimated 20-25% of the population died in the famine and fluorine poisoning after the fissure eruptions ceased. Around 80% of sheep, 50% of cattle and 50% of horses died because of dental and skeletal fluorosis from the 8 million tons of hydrogen fluoride that were released.

The parish priest Jón Steingrímsson grew famous because of his eldmessa ("fire sermon"). The people of the small town of Kirkjubæjarklaustur were worshipping while the town was endangered by a lava stream, which ceased to flow not far from town, with the townsfolk still in church..
"This past week, and the two prior to it, more poison fell from the sky than words can describe: ash, volcanic hairs, rain full of sulfur and saltpeter, all of it mixed with sand. The snouts, nostrils, and feet of livestock grazing or walking on the grass turned bright yellow and raw. All water went tepid and light blue in color and gravel slides turned gray. All the earth's plants burned, withered and turned gray, one after another, as the fire increased and neared the settlements."

Center of the Laki Fissure
Consequences in Europe
An estimated 120 million tons of sulfur dioxide were emitted, approximately equivalent to three times the total annual European industrial output in 2006, and also equivalent to a Mount Pinatubo-1991 eruption every three days.[6] This outpouring of sulfur dioxide during unusual weather conditions caused a thick haze to spread across western Europe, resulting in many thousands of deaths throughout 1783 and the winter of 1784.

The summer of 1783 was the hottest on record and a rare high pressure zone over Iceland caused the winds to blow to the south-east. The poisonous cloud drifted to Bergen in Norway, then spread to Prague in the Province of Bohemia by 17 June, Berlin by 18 June, Paris by 20 June, Le Havre by 22 June, and to Great Britain by 23 June. The fog was so thick that boats stayed in port, unable to navigate, and the sun was described as "blood coloured".
Inhaling sulfur dioxide gas causes victims to choke as their internal soft tissue swells. The local death rate in Chartres was up by 5% during August and September, with over 40 dead. In Great Britain, the records show that the additional deaths were outdoor workers, and perhaps 2-3 times above the normal rate in Bedfordshire, Lincolnshire and the east coast. It has been estimated that 23,000 British people died from the poisoning in August and September.
The haze also heated up, causing severe thunderstorms with hailstones that were reported to have killed cattle, until it dissipated in the autumn. This disruption then led to a most severe winter in 1784, in which Gilbert White at Selborne in Hampshire reported 28 days of continuous frost. The extreme winter is estimated to have caused 8,000 additional deaths in the UK. In the spring thaw, Germany and Central Europe then reported severe flood damage.
The meteorological impact of Laki resonated on, contributing significantly to several years of extreme weather in Europe. In France a sequence of extremes included a surplus harvest in 1785 that caused poverty for rural workers, accompanied by droughts and bad winters and summers, including a violent hailstorm in 1788 that destroyed crops. This in turn contributed significantly to the build up of poverty and famine that may have contributed to the French Revolution in 1789. Laki was only a factor in a decade of climatic disruption, as Grímsvötn was erupting from 1783–1785 and a recent study of El Niño patterns also suggests an unusually strong El-Niño effect from 1789-93.

Consequences in North America
In North America, the winter of 1784 was the longest and one of the coldest on record. It was the longest period of below-zero temperatures in New England, the largest accumulation of snow in New Jersey, and the longest freezing over of the Chesapeake Bay. There was ice skating in Charleston Harbor, a huge snowstorm hit the south, the Mississippi River froze at New Orleans, and there was ice in the Gulf of Mexico.

Other consequences
There is also evidence that the Laki eruption had effects beyond Europe, with weakened African and Indian monsoon circulations, leading to precipitation anomalies of -1 to -3 mm (-0.04 to -0.12 inch) per day over the Sahel of Africa, resulting in, among other effects, low flow in the River Nile.[12] It may also have exacerbated the Tenmei famine in Japan.

Lots of good historic info, Rob. But what I meant is: Has there ever been a complete shutown of major European airports for so long due to volcanic ash, or even due to anything for that matter??

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Tom Jones
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote:Interesting.
You may also note that the weather systems in 1783 also allowed man to test fly and then successfully launch the first ever flying machine.

In 17th July 1783, the Montgolfier brothers, Joseph and Etienne, test flew their prototype balloon in Annonay, France, with the passengers being a sheep, a rooster and duck. The balloon landed safely in a nearby farmers field, the only casualty being the duck which was trampled by the sheep when the gondola pitched over on landing and the animals were able to escape!

On 21st November 1783, Jean Pilatre de Rozier and his press-ganged friend, the Duc D'Arlandes, launched and flew the first man carrying balloon from the Tuillerie Gardens in the centre of Paris for a duration of 32 minutes and landed safely in the Bois de Boulogne, having crossed the Seine twice and nearly ditching in it when they were so enamored of the view, they forgot to feed the brazier that kept them aloft with a pungent mixture of straw and animal fat.

Quite a year, 1783!

Please note: not a single cut and paste!

:D :D :D


Pretty impressive, DK!!!!!!!! :) :)

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Tom Jones
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
not related to volcanos but yes recently airports were closed in UK during the BIG FREEZE!!

By the way theres a volcano not so far away from UAE ;) and no its not in AQUA PARK lol :D
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
rudeboy wrote:not related to volcanos but yes recently airports were closed in UK during the BIG FREEZE!!

By the way theres a volcano not so far away from UAE ;) and no its not in AQUA PARK lol :D

Is it the one that erupts everday??? :D :D

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Tom Jones
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:
Lots of good historic info, Rob. But what I meant is: Has there ever been a complete shutown of major European airports for so long due to volcanic ash, or even due to anything for that matter??

8) 8)

Hmm. Only thing that comes to mind is 9-11.
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
http://business.maktoob.com/20090000003 ... rticle.htm

hmmm TJ i dont know whether it erupts everyday cos I dont have a nest up there 8) but I think its ACTIVE alrite and when and IF it does erupt and the wind is easterly, Dubai Airport could be affected.

I think theres another one in Yemen which errupted recently. http://www.nowpublic.com/environment/tr ... d-sea-area

UAE, I dont think theres one here, unless something is cooking in RAK :D
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
Well I actually love the way Mother Nature comes along every now and then to show us insiginificant humans that she's still in charge.
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
Well here is the spread map


As you can see Iceland itself is pretty much unaffected and dumping crap on Europe ! LOOL

Some say it could go on for years

and I'm totally with R Gay on this one. Global Warming biggest Hoax ever. The millienium Bug didn't have jack on this.

RobbyG wrote:
rudeboy wrote:i think one of the BA flights crashed when this happened the last time.

Hey snorker, in 1783, British Airways didn't exist yet. Try the IQ test :lol: :mrgreen: :blackeye:

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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
R Gay? What the C? I am as straight as a maggot. ;)


What you aiming at? Buttparty? :lol:

DD, you a maggot with an F. :D
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
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Re: Has this ever happened before???? Apr 18, 2010
symmetric wrote:We don't have volcanoes here thank God :roll:

You've never had Ravi's Chilli Chicken in Satwa then :bom: ?
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