I left work and took the A66, Penrith to Scotch Corner and wow, I have never seen fog like it! I couldn't see a hand in front of my face. Well I was ambling along, knucles white around the steering wheel, frightened I was going to come across some slow moving tractor or worse, a gypo caravan, when who should fly past me, but some super human male with xray vision driving a white BMW. Now. BM, being pre-drink at this stage, had a bright idea. If I can keep with in a safe stopping distance and still see his very bright fog lights, I, too can drive at 90mph in thick fog! My plan worked, I got there in one piece and lived to tell the tale.
Now on the way back this morning, the weather was a lot better, only patchy fog today. I was feeling a bit fragile so put some easy listening on the CD, a NOW somenumber or other from the 80's. I had to do a bit of track hopping when Kylie started doing the Locomotion but came across a Wet Wet Wet song.
I pay the price for cheap advice
Sick of leaving in the morning
With the night you gave away
So now I'm gonna take that all that I can get
With those angel eyes
You make saints do sins all the time
Say I'm gonna stay, home and away, well well,
When I said I'd catch you when you're falling
I'd have my heart open wide
And you who's not naive I thought
Say I thought I'd mend my heart
What's that all about then?
Well back to the topic! I woke this morning with what I can only describe as wine flu. My gums hurt, my legs don't belong to my body and someone has a tourique around the top of my head and is slowly tightening it.
My usual cure for a hangover is a BigMac, there wasn't a MacDonalds in sight! I am now onto my second set of paracetomols with lots of black coffee. Nothing is working. I'm at work so sleeping it off is out of the question.
Any advice on hang over cures?