Greetings From Purgatory

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Greetings from Purgatory Feb 01, 2011
Hey the deportation went well. Got to the airport 5 hours early anticipating problems, and there was. Of course, all the paperwork was in order, etc, except they wanted to see the passport I had 2 passports ago. I had just finished cleaning out my travel bag and thought I would ditch stuff I no longer need. Old boarding passes, foreign money, etc. I also got rid of my old passports. So I go for canceling and everything is fine, but they want to see my old passport (expired years ago) with the residency visa in it. It has been canceled and showed as such in their system, but they wanted to eyeball it. So DD jumps in a cab, jets back to JBR, gets the 2 year old passport (downs a quick scotch) and goes back to the airport.

Guess what? I have now overstayed by 10 minutes. 125 AED please! I have to say, the guys at immigration were nice, polite and first class. They tried to waive the fine but it would not allow them to. No biggie. The guys were all chatty and kept saying "I am sorry for my country"....over and over again. The boss asked if I would come back and I said only to finish my affairs and then leave. He said he has noticed not as many Canadians visiting and many more leaving. He actually seemed genuinely disappointed that I was going and was so mad.

Anyway, I am now in Manila, Philippines and catching up with a friend from rock and roll days, doing a visa run. I am going to make the best of it. Live music, seeing the sights and such. I picked up the dinner tab last night...10 beers, bottle of wine, 3 mains and appies..140 AED. I think this place and I will get along well! (There were four of us, not just me). In a couple of days I am off to the island of Boracay for a Kite Surfing and Wind Surfing clinic. Should be fun. I have never done either and I hope they have figured out how to surf without spilling my beer!

I will update you guys later, just wanted to let you know what purgatory I chose. I have to say, Manila is not what I expected. It is clean, good roads, polite people, cheap as chips... so far so good! (I was expecting a dump). DD will be back in DXB soon...feel bad for the Mrs. slogging away, but I had no choice given 6 days to leave. We are in the midst of organizing my 90 day visit visa, and that should all be in place in about 10 days. God willing, we will be wrapped up and out of town by April 1st.

But...that has been said before (like a year ago)


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Re: Greetings From Purgatory Feb 01, 2011
Have a great time in the Philippines DD!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Greetings from Purgatory Feb 01, 2011
And not a single 'Sirmaam' in sight!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dubai Knight
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Re: Greetings from Purgatory Feb 06, 2011
So I thought I would further update you all from Purgatory.

i don't want to come home. Having spent 3 days and nights in Manila and now on day 2 of island "hell", I can say that these people know how to do it right! It is noon here and I have finished breakfast on the beach, a 2 hour windsurfing lesson, and am about to have lunch and a nap.

My first day was not a fluke at all. Everyone is cheery and polite and no one has tried to scam me or bother me in any way. I saw a great deal of Manila and enjoyed the entire time. The biggest thing I noticed is that all employees serve a function at work and actually DO something. Not like in Dubai, where there are 30 people working behind a bar and you still can't get a drink; here, people have defined roles and amazingly efficient. Every meal has been great, and every salesperson knowledgable. They tell you the truth and not what you want to here. And you know all the pointless security guards in Dubai that seemingly do nothing and are playing games on thbeir mobiles? Here, there is a policeman or security guard of every corner and they actually fufill a role. During times of traffic, the cops direct traffic to ensure a smooth flow, they seem vigilant, awake and dutiful. The security guards at the hotels and other areas are constantly walking a beat, and are doing their jobs. At the hotel I was staying at (New World, Makati), if your car has no business on the property, you aren't getting in. Not even in the front door. If you need a cab, security gets one for you (makes sure it is nice as well), inspects the boot, the glove box, gives the driver instructions on your behalf and then gives you a slip of paper with all the taxi particulars, as well as the hotel security chief's mobile if there are any issues. If there are any issues, get out, call the chief and they will take care of you. First class!

My dearly departed mate tells me I am "normalized" in, when things happen as they should, you are surprised. I think he is right! The hotel booking "just worked", the flights "just worked", wind surfing lessons "just worked", Breakfast was actually included as described, the hotel wifi actually works.

From what I can see, Dubai has a great deal to learn. I have to say that I think that many Filipinos coming to Dubai are probably shocked when they get there and see it. Compared to Manila, Dubai is dirty, polluted and inefficient. I can honestly say now that I think other than Bangkok, Dubai is probably the most chaotic, dirty place I have been....BUT Bangkok is an ancient city, Dubai is what? 25? I think Dubai needs to pick up it's socks on the tourist and development front. Complete a few things like the Sufouh Tram and finish what they started.

I think after 3-4 days touring the city, 2 airports (international and regional), a full recce of an island, I am qualified to make the above statements. My local friend was so embarrased when he pointed out about 10 homeless people and street hawkers, he said just pretend I did not see. I told him take a stroll downtown (insert Canadian city here) and see the panhandlers and homeless people. Some places in Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto, you would not go during high noon. Some places in Vancouver especially.

Stay tuned for my Real Estate comparison as well as Boracay V. Koh Samui comparison.

P.S. STill not heard "maamsir" ONCE!

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