I used to give a tip to delivery guys or at the restaurants or to car washers, helpers of all sorts etc.. But now if I just avoid giving tips it will be the same for me. No changes. But then those people will feel the big change themselves.
VAT will just make poor people poorer, and rich people richer, and we middle class will just become more selfish, sticking to our comfort zone... And that will create even more greedy people.
And more greed makes more evil on earth. Balance of good and bad is under attack.
But wait! Why don't we just increase our sadaqah with VAT and give it to poor. If they were getting 5/10/20/50/100 dhs let give them 10/15/25/55/150 dhs

I am sure that God will give us back all what we spend on making the world better place.
Nothing can harm us until we are on The Right Path!
Please after New year give sadaqah with VAT