the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Jeevan wrote:cant blow my cover, if we happen to cross ways at one of the meets then u will know all
Concord wrote:
I haven't posted for a while - someone has to keep the world safe!
Anyways, I saw this posts about "who are they" - top 25 posters so here are my 2 fils on the topic.
1. Sage and Onion: He has the most posts but is by no means a large contributor to the forum. He is humorless and has found refuge in his forum for his silly games (see games forum). . Once in a while he’ll post a “helpful” post. He will be the first to ruin a thread. More recently he has begun referring to the young women in the forum as “Daughter” or “Niece” - creepy if you ask me. He is always on the forum.
2. Arniegang: Witty and good humored person. Not afraid to mix it up and get into some serious arguments with people about a variety of topics. Was on the forum probably as much as Sage (but in a meaningful way). As this forum is not real life (late breaking news to some), Arniegang is at the moment spending more time in real life than virtual life. He shall return. He will make you laugh and you will want to kill him (in the same post).
3. Liban: Funny, knowledgeable and not afraid of controversy – understood the nature of “virtual” life. His was prolific at posting and that got him in “trouble” on June 29, 2006! He has not posted since about then. He would insult and go after someone like a dog after his bone but you got the feeling that it was all in fun. In fact he is a very nice guy.
4. Chocoholic. Good sense of humor but very serious. Lots of posts and lots of information. Cares about animals and environment. I’ve been told she is snobbish!
5. Bushra21. I think the number at the end of her name tells here age. Her posts reveal it. Can't say she is either funny or helpful although god knows she tries the former (unsuccessfully). She is the number one complainer about the west but will be the first on a plane at the prospect of trouble - like many "west haters" in the forum.
6. Sniper 420. Lives in a basement somewhere! Comes to the forum in spurts; posts a lot and disappears. Annoying.
7. Kanelli: She is great. Not afraid to stick by her guns. She loves engaging people in the Politics forums. She is unwavering and makes a lot of sense. She is not "biased" as she is often accused of being by really biased people on the opposite side of the argument. She also has a sense of humor and will engage in banter (unless it has to do with smoking, sexually offensive avatars, etc.). She should return to posting although she will be quite busy shortly.
8. Maaad: Loves the nightclubs and travels a lot. He is funny and very helpful. Most of his posts are factual. He will engage you in arguments and will call you and idiot or retard (see thread) if he thinks you are one. Passionate about his "politics".
9. XWR-147. Witty and great one liners. Hasn’t posted in a while. Too busy with love I hear!
10. Ian: Loves cricket, Guinness, and a nice Australian woman (listed in alphabetical order to stay out of trouble). Witty and funny (sometimes his humor goes over some peoples’ heads - well the jokes often require an IQ higher than the day's temperature). He also has lots of helpful information to offer (some of it made up - the one's that don't get the joke follow it!).
11. Jeevan. Posts a lot (I forget about what!). Funny guy. (I remember; about everything)
12. Bleakus. He discovered paintball and I am afraid for his well being once the summer rolls around and he can't play anymore. Someone please find him and indoor course….quickly.
13 Fayz: He is a moron! He was on his way to King of the Forum until Jamal came out with a cunning scheme and pulled ahead. Actually, he is very nice and goes out of his way not to get anyone mad at him or to insult anyone. . He will provide accurate and current information and is very helpful.
14. Zam. Loves to post in the games forum. A few serious posts. Get easily irritated (unless it is a games lounge thread).
15. The_Zooter. Listen to this; this guy bought a plane ticket to Dubai just to come to a DF meet back in June! Since then he has posted less and less. He also loves cricket unfortunately he roots for England [which I hear in this forum ain’t so good at the game].
16. Concord. Perfect in everyway.
17. ASC_26. Can't help you there. I don't know whether this is a boy or girl. Has loads of posts and Maaad was mad (with one "a") at her for some reason...
18. Yorky500. He likes his cars and is helpful (been in Dubai a while). He loves to defend England (no matter what!). Saved me a heap of trouble when I was planning to drive to Oman (in his response to my thread). His avatars are Kanelli’s favorites.
19. HP. Funniest guy in the forum. I used to think he was also very smart – but a practical joke we played on him regarding his “love” interest (and her “age”) lowered the bar a bit. He was away for a while but then this “MAC” person (who is or seemed to be “HP”) brought him out of exile. I think it is sheep milking season in Pakistan at the moment so he is busy and hasn’t posted lately. He will make you laugh each time. If you get mad at him then the joke’s on you.
20. DubaiKnight. Interesting person with a great sense of humor. Very helpful and has been in Dubai a while. If you meet him don’t shake his hand because you will mess up his shoulder.
21. Jamal. Thinks he is a gangster/rapper (USA “style”) but I think he would crap in his pants if he had to walk after midnight anywhere in Detroit, East LA, South Central Chicago, East St. Louis, Bedford Stuyvesant, et. al.
22. EasternJewel. HP’s love interest. Funny and smart.
23. Nick81. Good sense of humor and makes a lot of sense in his posts.
24. Sarah_UK. She burst into the forum and made loads of posts. Got into a few fights, etc. Still around but posting less frequently.
25. Deniz. She posts lots of great pictures. Hasn't yet posted a complete sentence.
Other “notables”;
Constantine: Good guy loves cars and can’t drive! Mr. “lover boy”! He used to organize Karaoke nights (and owes me money for my visits to the ear doctor).
Freza: Smart but goes too much out of her way to bash the “west”. She picked on Kanelli (for some reason) but without Kanelli she seems to be at a loss for words. She’ll pick on you (and give you a pet-name). She’ll get over it….
Shafique: Mr. Politics forum. He seems to be trained to go out of his way to post in a way that doesn’t seem (at first glance) to be biased but I am afraid at the end of the day it is.
Galactico. Joined not long ago but has a lot of posts. Somehow I get the idea he likes the football player Ronaldo and might be a Manchester United Fan.
Have fun. Remember: It is not real! If you want real: get a life.
Uae_Me wrote:Jeevan wrote:cant blow my cover, if we happen to cross ways at one of the meets then u will know all
ok uncover what u want and hide what u wana hide , Just to know something about the people we talk to
Uae_Me wrote:No one agreed with it , so i cancelled the TOPIC !!!!!!!!!!!
We All Gonna Keep the cover