Surely if astrology, tarot cards, tea leaves, chicken bones etc etc worked, we'd be able to find some examples of headlines such as 'Psychic wins lottery' or 'Planes will fly into twin towers in September' (published before 9/11) etc.
To my knowledge, I don't know of anyone who predicted that Princess Di would die when she did (and yet each year astrologers did predict what would happen to her and other celebrities), or that 9/11 would happen.
But then again - perhaps there are examples that I'm not aware of??
The well known predictions of doom and gloom have so far not resulted in the end of the world (there were a flurry of them around the millenium - not counting the millenium bug) - but I think the next big one will be the various predictions for 2012 and links to Mayan forecasts. Something to bear in mind when the London Olympics is on, I guess... ?

Anyway - is there anyone that believes in fortune tellers?