My Five-A-Day!

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My Five-A-Day! Jul 22, 2011
I've been thinking about my diet lately :idea:
I'm not usually accused of being boring ( :D ) but I have to admit not to being very adventurous as far as eating goes. It's not that I don't like foreign food, I'm just that I'm not that keen on eating full stop. I'd rather have a liquid lunch any day.
When my friend emails me at work to say she had 500 calories for tea, I know immediately that she has had a bottle of Pinot Grigio.

I went to the pub after work today for a quick one.

I had a Bombay Sapphire, slimeline tonic and a slice of cucumber. That's a new one on me. I usually have a slice of lime.

I was wondering....could that slice of cucumber be classed as one of my five-a-day?

Do you try to eat five a day?

I've also looked at ways of increasing my protein intake.

Apparantly I would be better eating 3 almonds than consuming an ejaculation of sperm which has only 1.25gms of protein. I'm not convinced.

Should I be worried about my diet?

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: My Five-A-Day! Jul 22, 2011
Well thats terrible,has no one ever told you that Almonds are bad for you. :)
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Re: My Five-A-Day! Jul 22, 2011
I've just googled the calorie value of 100gms of almonds, which is 578 kcals, compared with an average ejaculation of semen. According to my research there are between 200 and 300 million sperm ejaculated in one session, which can be up to 500 million if a man is young and fit. The calorie walue is between 5 and 7 calories per session.

Comforting thought....
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: My Five-A-Day! Jul 23, 2011
And the point of this post was what BM - to once again confirm to the entire forum that you're a raging alcoholic? Well done, tell us something we don't know. I thought you were actually going to write something interesting actually about food for once.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: My Five-A-Day! Jul 23, 2011
I try to keep to my five-a-day, I don't always manage it, I do like fresh fruit which helps and I've started keeping a seed, dried fruit and nut mixture in water in the fridge and add a couple of spoonfulls to my fruit shakes/smoothies occasionally.

@ Chocoholic, Yip, yip yap, yip yap yip...or is it Meeaoooowwww

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Re: My Five-A-Day! Jul 23, 2011
Whatever Dillon. I just find it incredibly juvenile to keep blabbing on about how much booze one drinks. It's like listening to a teenager - who cares.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: My Five-A-Day! Jul 23, 2011
I’m sure lots of contributors find many comments not to their liking but do they persistently harp on about them and their authors? I don’t know how many times I’ve read people advising others to scroll past a post if you don’t like it and to comment about the post not the poster!

You need to let some of that negativity go and try to have a more positive outlook Chocs, Haaauuummmmmmmmm.

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Re: My Five-A-Day! Jul 23, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:And the point of this post was what BM - to once again confirm to the entire forum that you're a raging alcoholic? Well done, tell us something we don't know. I thought you were actually going to write something interesting actually about food for once.

Well where would you be without me Chocs? Who would you whine about? I think of it like this, while your harping on at me, you're leaving someone else alone. That's just me, always thinking of others :D

Have a nice day Chocs. I'll be hitting the beer tent at our local agricultural show around 2pm. Just to be sociable you understand :drunken:

-- Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:30 am --

Dillon wrote:I try to keep to my five-a-day, I don't always manage it, I do like fresh fruit which helps and I've started keeping a seed, dried fruit and nut mixture in water in the fridge and add a couple of spoonfulls to my fruit shakes/smoothies occasionally.

I usually get my five-a-day all in one shot, as I make my own soup. I take it to work everyday (hence the liquid lunch :D ) in an old tupperware that's been thro the dishwasher more times than tongue can tell (I think that's a Cumbrian phrase). The tupperware is now stained a rather unappetising shade of orange.
It's really filling but I always feel the need for something sweet afterwards and usually suck the chocolate of a few maltesers for pudding. They're only 11 calories each. Still higher calorie value than you know what :?
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: My Five-A-Day! Jul 24, 2011
I have a very positive outlook Dillon, what I don't like is people and expats here constantly bragging about their boozing habits - it's sad, pathetic and not very interesting.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: My Five-A-Day! Jul 24, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:I have a very positive outlook Dillon, what I don't like is people and expats here constantly bragging about their boozing habits - it's sad, pathetic and not very interesting.

A reformed drinker! Always the worst type of preachers :D

And if you have a positive attitude I'll eat hay with me donkey. You are a miserable little b1tch :D

Have a happy day Chocs and keep taking the medicine!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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