uhmmm...in some parts, yes..i have to be honest here...hence the name "dogeaters" that the new york yanks call the filipinos...is it widely done? no. just like the canibals in some parts of the world...
filipinos are no different from any other race or people in the world...we all have our quirks etc etc etc...incidently, the practice of eating those animals arent from the filipinos, its from the chinese...filipinos just followed suit...there may be social norms or socially accepted acts that people in this country find OK, but in other parts of the world would be unacceptable...(i hear its ok for straight men to do the deed amongst themselves in muslim countries, but wouldnt be acceptable in other parts of the globe, not unless they were gay that is...)
now, tintin...let me give you the reality of dubai...things here arent as what the movie portrays...life is hard here, as anywhere else in the world would be...in dubai, you must have money to move around, unless you were offered a job from the philippines, its best to stay there. i might be jaded after staying here for a while, but im telling you, life here isnt simple...as you will come to find out. seeing people here live like rats is commonplace. people living in the slums there live a better life than people who thought this place was good...finding a job here is HARD. but hey...why dont you try it out for yourself and prove me wrong eh?