Those kind of women will never ever hold a gun and they're better only in beauty parlours and not in the warzones.
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
rudeboy wrote:oh hi asc_26 how r u long time no see where u been hiding :p
y is it that whenever i post u always reply backsomethings going on here and i m gonna get to da bottom of it
rudeboy wrote:actually i dont think all these pretty girls are in da army. more like they models been hired to promote da army or something cos hey come on lets just admit it no pretty girl wants to get dirtyrite
rudeboy wrote:nooo noooo i luv it when u reply to me it shows that ur a inteligent girl who comes back at me with good pointsand sometimes u make me shut up like u just have now :S
no i dont wanna know da name of da American sergent cos i let u win happy :p