Did all of you molest little kids at school?? I mean you guys sound like those ex-English teachers who got fired and now living in a denial mode. You still think you can teach eh?? Even if your class is online. Mark me absent, i have decided to bunk
@bethsmum Sorry i had no idea that this forum has got some ruthless internet warriors. Gosh you are a "Trained killer" with 5000 posts..?? I am so scared cuz i dont wana turn into a lowlife internet soldier..!! Anyhow, how's Beth doing?? and how the heck on earth you accumulated 5000 posts?? Spouse not giving enough time huh? and Beth is a brat isnt it!? So now the internet is your best friend....Aww i pity your life. Oh let me tell you that it takes just about minimal effort to make you look stupid.

@ambassador looks like you have finally realized that you have lost your Teacher job....Now yourjob is as an.....Ambassador? of what Combodia?

@ spellcheckergirl, hun don't be offended, though you justify your nickname. Sorry but i really don't have the time to go through your 117 posts. Let me guess, you couldn't buy the new iphone rite? is that it? Daddy doesn't have money? Well, ok ill buy it for you just to make it up for you. You can call me LAFAY i dont mind,if it makes you feel good. I'd be glad to be the reason of YOUR happiness

oh i must say YOU sound gorgeous

Just confirm me that you don't have a Beth running around your house

You sound so good, i feel like installing you to my Ms-Word
Looks like im gona have fun with you guys haha. Now i am back to work. Cya'll tmorrow. Oh no wait, its weekend. I got plans. So cya'll on Sunday.
Get well soon my cyco friends.