All 11 of us in my team were being trained on a new computer system. You would have the thought the world had ended today. Why do women get so stressed? Is it because they don't like change or because they are not very confident?
I'm afraid I don't have a lot of patience with anything or anybody. If you can't do the job, fall on your sword and let someone else have a go, in my opinion! Anyways we battled on, training manual and trainer at hand.
I must have been having a soft day, as at dinner time, I decided to buy my team some sweets. I thought it may get us through the afternoon

I wandered down the High Street and into the local newsagents.
Now in BM's part of the world, you can still but sweets by the quarter. For you foreign lot, that means loose sweets, purchased by weight, in this case, a quarter of a pound.
I viewed the jars on display. Where were my favourite Sherbet Lemons? Where were the Sherbet Spaceships?
I have to admit, it is ages since I bought sweets by the quarter. I was advised by the salesperson that they hadn't stocked Sherbet Spaceships for years. I was gutted! What is the world coming to?
I came away with a quarter of Werthers Originals, a quarter of Trebor Extra Strong Mints, a quarter of Wine Gums and a quarter of Cinder Toffee.
We got through the lot.
It got me thinking back to the days when my mother sent me to the shops for a quarter of broken biscuits, and the days when we must have been really poor, when my sister and I were told to be quiet when the milkman knocked on for payment on a Friday night. We were poor but happy! (my dad was in the RAF, we were never flush

What are your favourite sweets?
I don't like Snickers, they will always be Marathons to me.