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FAO DF Jan 04, 2007

oh how i miss thee Dubai Forums of old

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Jan 04, 2007
Explain for a relative newcomer - what has changed? :?:
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Jan 05, 2007
it takes only a look back on the topics that were debated a while ago...and it seems to me (maybe i am wrong) that a lot of us have lost the ability to have a normal discussion without making most of the threads end up in fight club or being deleted.
yes Df has changed in good ways and bad ways. i guess that everyone in here can feel the diff. since they first registered and how it is now.
personally when i first had a look on DF my first impression was that it seemed to be a bit exclusive...the ppl who were posting were a bunch of regulars and as a first look it was pretty fun to be in here.
i still like DF though, otherwise i would not be in here ( i guess that there is something about DF that makes u addicted)...and i miss some of the veterans.

well this is how i see things but i am sure u will need more opinions than the little things i saied. :wink:
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Jan 05, 2007
sauron wrote:Explain for a relative newcomer - what has changed? :?:

the people weren't as personal as before -- no personal attacks, no picking fights, no categorizing....well, at least not as much as they are now.

to be honest, most of the people on here have become total assholes, and its making the forums suck.

you can't have this kind of avatar, this kind of signature.

the mods can delete whatever they want.

this isn't a forum anymore -- its like a highschool classroom....

its not a place where people can enjoy themselves, take a break from reality, have fun, RELAX....

and that is why it sucks and i miss the old forums.
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Jan 05, 2007
I agree and have no qualms about saying why this forum now sucks. In the old days it was clear who the trolls, jackasses and troublemakers were. The answer to them was simple either ignore them, edit their posts or quietly move them.

Since this clown Sage & Onion joined, he tries to impose his phony morality on all and at the drop of a hat a thread is move because of "innapropriate" language, etc.

here is what I wrote 4 months ago on August 15th.

concord wrote:
Arniegang, I note that this new member Sage & Onion is now a moderator :shock: I think you jumped the gun on this one and he was made a moderator because you felt bad that his silly "word game" was deleted and he was quite upset about it - that should give you a clue. I think this guy will ruin the forum. I've never met the guy and for all I care he is probably he nicest guy in town. Nevertheless, this forum is virtual: a place to have fun and even say things one would not otherwise say in real life. My impression is that this Sage & Onion guy is replacing his reality and impossing "morality" on this forum.

I hope I am wrong but I can just see many of the veterans leaving this place because most will be bored by the same bland stuff. If you think about it, just read the last 10-20 posts by Liban for example. If S&G were around then he would have either been banned, posts deleted, or moved. This would apply to many of the veterans.

Well I will probably get a lot of grief from S&G (or the post deleted) but what the hay...

In addittion, the "private" clubs contributed to the demise...

P.S. My post will either be deleted or moved to fight club. But reserve psychology says it may not...
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Jan 05, 2007
I think that your complaining about personal insults on here and such is almost as if I were complaining about it - no one stopped you from participating in personal insults threads not too long ago...

Also all you have to do is search thru DF's humble beginnings to see that squabbles and insults have always been part of this place. Look at the bright side of all this - at least the fights revealed some members true personalities.

I agree with you to some extent but I don't think it's fair to blame everything on S&O. I think his intentions are ultimately good. I however disagree with the offending threads being moved, they should be edited instead but from my understanding this is a time consuming process and as we can see Sage has kinda been left alone here to clean up the G forum from so much spam - maybe he doesn't have the time to be editing? There have been too many spammers and silly 3-post new members lately ..... I think admin can work something out per Ian's suggestions and try to avoid most spamming so fewer threads get deleted, sent off, etc.

Edited: due to boringness
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Jan 05, 2007
i love the drama
to be honest most of the posts these days are very lame
good luck to all in 2007 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
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Jan 05, 2007
ppl nowadays on the forums are sooo phonie .. then even throwin an insult at em is worthless ... thats why da drama be dyin down homie .... too many rule's always fcuk's things up .... let it be seen now ...
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Jan 05, 2007
you can't jst blame S&O, we're all to blame, always pointing the finger at one person is pretty much the personal attacks that Bushy is speaking of above.
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Jan 05, 2007
we tryin to bring back the drama :wink:
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Jan 05, 2007
ISnt it obvious that most of the topics are not even worth a second mention nowadays, no discussions which are worthwhile, no informative posts, no strong debates nothing like the old DF.

MOst of the old timers are turning to lurkers now hoping that some interesting topic might come up:). not to blame any particular people but DF just seems to have lost it.

Hopefully things shud change for better soon or DF would be just another posting message board on the web.


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Jan 05, 2007
Jeevan wrote:ISnt it obvious that most of the topics are not even worth a second mention nowadays, no discussions which are worthwhile, no informative posts, no strong debates nothing like the old DF.


couldnt agree more :cry:
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Jan 05, 2007
Yeah, the topics are really lame nowadays in most forums. Especially the politics forum is always full of anti-West sentiment and conspiracy theories. Booooring!

We have a huge influx of newbie questions from people who can't bother to use the search function or read further in the specific forums.

We have a few trolls who have come because they have a personal beef against some DF people who have all been sleeping with each other at some point or another.

We get the trolls who are only here to harass people in the politics and religion and romance forums.

We had private forums created that aren't really necessary and just serve to divide people.

We have topics being put into the wrong forums, moved to Fight Club on a whim, or deleted completely for some biased reason.

We get people who like to hack into private forums and plaster the info on their own website.

We get people who delight in getting a rise out of other forumers just to have a bit of personal fun, no matter what cost to the atmosphere of the forum.

We get people who constantly post useless posts and start useless threads, just to see their post count go up.

YES, some of this has been going on since the forum first came into creation, but when too much crap happens in a short space of time it drives people away. I'm certainly losing interest in this forum...
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Jan 05, 2007
freza wrote:bushra,
I think that your complaining about personal insults on here and such is almost as if I were complaining about it - no one stopped you from participating in personal insults threads not too long ago...

Also all you have to do is search thru DF's humble beginnings to see that squabbles and insults have always been part of this place. Look at the bright side of all this - at least the fights revealed some members true personalities.

yeah i know i am included in what df has now become, --- but that is just becuase its not the same as it was before. its not fun anymore. nothing interesting is left -- its all crap

and the personal insults that i was talking about where what fayz had said... placing blame on one person and blah blah blah.

its just not intersting anymore and it sucks
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Jan 05, 2007
I tend to agree with most of the issues raised above and we certainly cannot point the finger/blame one person only.

Its no fun being a Mod, esp one who is almost completely left on his own to moderate all the forums as best he can. There are a lot of 1 time posters who put stuff in the incorrect forum when there is actually a dedicated Forum for the post. I agree this should be moved.

I also agree that threads should be Edited by the Mods, but with literally only one Mod on the boards most of the time, this is a lot to ask. The DF has gotten a lot bigger than it used to be with lots of mods being appointed, but a lot of them are not around any more.

If most of you remember the Forums of old, attacks and insults were left to the Fight Club only, and not in General or Politics and the like (one or two exceptions). These days, every single forum is a place to either attack or get attacked. We, sadly, are all guilty.

Also, I find Concords constant attack on S&O childish and boring. He will not miss an opportunity to have a go at perhaps the 1 remaining Mod who actually gives a fcuk about this Forum. Concord, why not put yourself forward for a Mod job and lets see how you handle it, you are great at criticizing other Mods, lets see how you do.
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Jan 05, 2007
Yes, Sage & Onion certainly has been on his own to run things. He's likely doing the best he can. Still, we have every right to speak up when we think some thread has been misdirected or the moderation hasn't been fair.
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Jan 05, 2007
kanelli wrote:Yes, Sage & Onion certainly has been on his own to run things. He's likely doing the best he can. Still, we have every right to speak up when we think some thread has been misdirected or the moderation hasn't been fair.


I totally agree, but what the hell is the guy supposed to do on his own?

DF is not a small forum anymore as it used to be with perhaps 10-15 people on the boards. Its gotten a hell of a lot bigger.

Its too big for 1 guy to moderate. How would you like to do the job? Would you? Could you do a better job?
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Jan 05, 2007
I would be a moderator to help out since im on here a lot - especially at night when most of the stuff/spam goes on -- but i dont think people would be too happy about that idea.
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Jan 05, 2007
yorky500 wrote:
kanelli wrote:Yes, Sage & Onion certainly has been on his own to run things. He's likely doing the best he can. Still, we have every right to speak up when we think some thread has been misdirected or the moderation hasn't been fair.


I totally agree, but what the hell is the guy supposed to do on his own?

DF is not a small forum anymore as it used to be with perhaps 10-15 people on the boards. Its gotten a hell of a lot bigger.

Its too big for 1 guy to moderate. How would you like to do the job? Would you? Could you do a better job?

I have been a moderator before on another forum, but there were too many moderators with too many different ideas for how things should be moderated, so the board had a meltdown. I cringe at the thought of being a moderator again. Maybe someday, but not right now. Besides, I don't plan to be here much unless the old DF spirit picks up again (if it picks up again).

I highly recommend that only a few moderators moderate the forums - not a whole army- and they should be people who are here a lot, but also people who can be trusted to put personal feelings aside and moderate according to fair and consistent rules. Admin and the small group of mods should make the rules together and list them in the private moderating forum. For example, don't delete something unless it could shut the forum down due to its content (UAE rules, or breech of TOS and COC's for service provider), or unless it is spam. Move all flaming threads to Fight Club, but clearly define what flaming is - e.g. People swearing at each other and turning the thread into personal insults. Clearly define forum contents and move threads to the appropriate forums. Close threads if they no longer serve a purpose or if they go far off topic. Notify any forumer if their avatar or signature breaks the TOS or COC's for the service provider you are using.

Bushra, I agree - you would not make a good moderator at this time. It seems you have enough on your plate at the moment anyway, and moderating on this forum would only add more stress to your life.

Frankly, it is hard to determine who makes a good moderator until you see what they end up doing once they have the power. Admin has to be strong and remove any moderator who is not doing his/her job or not doing a good job according to the moderating criteria set forth in the private moderating forum.
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Jan 05, 2007
bushra21 wrote:I would be a moderator to help out since im on here a lot - especially at night when most of the stuff/spam goes on -- but i dont think people would be too happy about that idea.

I will be happy with the idea. Most of the moderators are male, i think its about time to have some balance on here and Let's all see where DF goes. :wink:
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Jan 05, 2007
it's cute how some of us complaining about how boring certain things are here are so painfully boring ourselves! :shock:

Sage needs some serious help around here, if bushra wants to help out, why not? (Also to be honest, I prefer Sage's moderating even with the disappearing-threads than Arnie's penchant for threats and slaps on the hand)
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Jan 06, 2007
As a newbie, I have to say that I haven't seen much of Arnie since I joined. There are quite a lot of cliques on the forum - fair enough, that happens in any 'organisation' after a while. But both Sage and Bushra are active in all departments - they're proactive, maintain a sense of humour and are a lot more objective than a lot of the other regulars.
Oh, and add Bleakus to the above...............he's cool too.
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Jan 06, 2007

Is this why you do not want me to become a moderator...

because I am trying to work through my issues...


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Jan 06, 2007
Have to agree with K on this one the forum is dying a slow death. Nothing of interest on here now. i keep on coming back hoping there might be something interesting on here, check the messages, see theres nothing offensive in my section and buzz off :)

But will keep on coming back hoping some day it will be the same old forum as it used to be. coz this is the place where i made friends after i came to dubai and lot of information that helped me.

In between if u dont find me on here as often as before u know where to find me:)


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Jan 06, 2007
bushra21 wrote:kanelli,

Is this why you do not want me to become a moderator...

because I am trying to work through my issues...



Bushra, actually no, didn't see that thread. I was briefly reading the blog you have linked to every single post on this forum ("Ramblings of me"). Sorry, but sounds like your life is quite a mess right now. If you don't want anyone reading about your personal problems, then don't ask us to by posting your blog link all over the forum. Hey, it is just my opinion. You have other people here who don't mind seeing you as a mod. Just ask to be made a mod and let Admin decide.

Freza, some of us might be boring according to your opinion, but you are consistently insulting people on this forum and getting into flame wars. A whole group of the ladies didn't even trust you to let you into the Ladies Forum because of how you treat people on here. That should say something about how you are viewed on this forum. I have primarily been in flame wars with Liban and you because of personal attacks made to me first. Outside of that I am trying to give advice and contribute to this forum in a positive way, unlike you who only likes to dig into political topics or pick on anyone you think posts in a stupid manner in any other forum. I turn up in person to events and represent myself on here as I would in person. It really is a shame that so many other regulars have disappeared and I am likely going to do the same thing. We had a nice community going here. Seems like the people who only like to sit behind their computers and rile people up are winning.
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Jan 06, 2007
kanelli wrote:
bushra21 wrote:kanelli,

Is this why you do not want me to become a moderator...

because I am trying to work through my issues...



Bushra, actually no, didn't see that thread. I was briefly reading the blog you have linked to every single post on this forum ("Ramblings of me"). Sorry, but sounds like your life is quite a mess right now. If you don't want anyone reading about your personal problems, then don't ask us to by posting your blog link all over the forum. Hey, it is just my opinion. You have other people here who don't mind seeing you as a mod. Just ask to be made a mod and let Admin decide.

Freza, some of us might be boring according to your opinion, but you are consistently insulting people on this forum and getting into flame wars. A whole group of the ladies didn't even trust you to let you into the Ladies Forum because of how you treat people on here. That should say something about how you are viewed on this forum. I have primarily been in flame wars with Liban and you because of personal attacks made to me first. Outside of that I am trying to give advice and contribute to this forum in a positive way, unlike you who only likes to dig into political topics or pick on anyone you think posts in a stupid manner in any other forum. I turn up in person to events and represent myself on here as I would in person. It really is a shame that so many other regulars have disappeared and I am likely going to do the same thing. We had a nice community going here. Seems like the people who only like to sit behind their computers and rile people up are winning.


Thats what is called "Hitting the Nail on the Head" :wink:

Have a great day.
sage & onion
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Jan 06, 2007
kanelli wrote:
bushra21 wrote:kanelli,

Is this why you do not want me to become a moderator...

because I am trying to work through my issues...



Bushra, actually no, didn't see that thread. I was briefly reading the blog you have linked to every single post on this forum ("Ramblings of me"). Sorry, but sounds like your life is quite a mess right now. If you don't want anyone reading about your personal problems, then don't ask us to by posting your blog link all over the forum. Hey, it is just my opinion. You have other people here who don't mind seeing you as a mod. Just ask to be made a mod and let Admin decide.

Freza, some of us might be boring according to your opinion, but you are consistently insulting people on this forum and getting into flame wars. A whole group of the ladies didn't even trust you to let you into the Ladies Forum because of how you treat people on here. That should say something about how you are viewed on this forum. I have primarily been in flame wars with Liban and you because of personal attacks made to me first. Outside of that I am trying to give advice and contribute to this forum in a positive way, unlike you who only likes to dig into political topics or pick on anyone you think posts in a stupid manner in any other forum. I turn up in person to events and represent myself on here as I would in person. It really is a shame that so many other regulars have disappeared and I am likely going to do the same thing. We had a nice community going here. Seems like the people who only like to sit behind their computers and rile people up are winning.

I know that Kanelli....I was just trying to making a joke. You know, to havea good laugh. I'm not that stupid. Why do you think I said that I doubt most would want me to be mod in the first place.
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Jan 06, 2007
I don't think you are stupid at all. I didn't read the thread and am not sure what you mean with the humour part. Maybe this is yet another case of humour missing the mark in an online setting. Truthfully, I tend to save humour for meeting in person because it is so often misinterpreted online and can end up in a flame.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 06, 2007
you see lady, I didn't take it to a personal level, but you did.....what are you proving here? I think you've done something counterintuitive (to the thread's point)... :?

kanelli wrote:Freza, some of us might be boring according to your opinion, but you are consistently insulting people on this forum and getting into flame wars.
Not that consistently - I have my phases. I have no problem admitting that I'm boring - I like discussing politics - that automatically makes me quite a boring person. You seem to be boring by nature though...

That should say something about how you are viewed on this forum.
Well how are you viewed on this forum? It seems some people think you're extremely biased, stubborn, wacky-emotional and preachy (and that's just putting it nicely.)

I turn up in person to events and represent myself on here as I would in person.
If I were to turn up to an event, would you call me a Saddam-lover, West-hater and then strike that (in)famous phony smile(y) of yours (:lol:) ?

I have no interests in Dubai meets, but I'm thankful to DF for giving me something to do when I had completed my work at the office but I still had hours to spare, when I missed Dubai while away from it, when I needed to search important or not so important info, etc. etc. And I've met some few, but really cool/quality people from the forum. So I'm apparently this persona non grata to you peeps, oh well... the virtual world reflecting life for you. Personally I'm not someone to let negativity of others here affect me, not here not anywhere - I'm a bit beyond that stuff not withstanding my notorious immaturity, so I have to say that I've gotten more positive things out of this forum than negatives....
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Jan 06, 2007
kanelli wrote:I don't think you are stupid at all. I didn't read the thread and am not sure what you mean with the humour part. Maybe this is yet another case of humour missing the mark in an online setting. Truthfully, I tend to save humour for meeting in person because it is so often misinterpreted online and can end up in a flame.

well youve met me and know that i dont really talk much or at all in person...


and the thread is the one in the romance forum, just some late night stupidity...an effort to get a good laugh out of a few people on here; something that hasn't been happening to often.

in any case, i dont really care either way, i just thought id offer to help since im usually on here a lot especially at night. i dont think my personal problems should have anything to do with just cleaning up an internet forum.

about my blog; i know i added it to my signature, i dont really mind -- i mean i did post it on the internet so obviously people will be seeing it, but the thing is if people dont want to read it or see it they dont have to click it or go to that site. You know that :D
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