I was wondering if you had any stories about your family you would like to share? Did your parents tell you any stories when you were a child which you found out, later to be just tales? Has anyone if your family got a criminal record or just been a bit naughty? There's always someone a bit feisty in the background!
My grandmother was a bit of a girl, it seems. My father was under the impression that his mother and father were dead and he was brought up by his elder sister. That wasn't strictly true. The person who brought him up was his elder sister but her younger sister was, in fact, his mother. He never knew until he was about 19 and he never spoke to his mother/sister again. She later went on to marry and had four other children. A problem arose when she was expecting her youngest son (my favourite uncle). Her husband had been away at sea for 18 months and when he returned she was 8 months pregnant.

I never had any contact with my Uncle or my cousins until the last ten years when I made contact with them and I have learnt all this scandle from them. My cousin came with me to Dubai once and we spent hours talking about our family. he told me that the rumour is that my grandmother killed herself in later life.
My Uncle has taken a shine to me as he says I am the living double of his mother.
So come on! Lets here a bit of scandle about your family, or some funny tales!