Facing The Economic Crises

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Facing the Economic Crises May 20, 2009
Taken from the BBC:

"I was feeling depressed about being jobless. Then my friend took me to apply for one of the temporary jobs the government was providing for unemployed people.

"We have to knock on people's doors and ask them to let us into their homes to get rid of sources of standing water and catch mosquitoes. Our city will host the 2009 World Games in July, and we need to eradicate mosquitoes to avoid outbreaks of Dengue fever.

"They're not hard to catch. Once they are in our nets, we suck them into a bottle and freeze them for the laboratory to test.

"I have to go to 50 households in the morning and 50 in the afternoon. I make NT$800 (US$24) a day."

Work is work.....but dam....24 USD a DAY!!!!!! wow

"I run a beauty salon out of my home, but business hasn't been good so I decided to rent a stall at a busy night market and shave people's eyebrows.

"I'm very good at it. My reputation has spread. On weeknights I get about 50 customers, and about 80 at weekends. I charge NT$88 each, and another NT$12 if they buy their own razor for reuse. After paying the stall rental fees, I earn about NT$5,000 ($152) a night in extra income.

"I get male customers too. They think shaping their eyebrows will bring them good luck.

"Having well-shaped eyebrows makes people look better, more alert. No matter how well made-up you are, if you've got bushy eyebrows growing over your eyes, you don't look as good. Customers are shocked when I show them the difference. They wonder why they never bothered before.

"It can give people more confidence when they go for a job interview.

"Regarding the bad economy, I feel the more anxious you are, the less able you are to find a direction for yourself. Be creative, learn a skill and be good at it. That way you can always make a living."

Learn a skill and be good at it, in other words, dont skip college! Studying is learning a skill your good at! Unfortunatly for her, she found out a bit too late...dont let me discourage you, its never to late for anything.

"I have a job, but after paying my mortgage I have almost nothing to live on. My family is helping me out, but I'm trying to make extra income after work and on weekends.

"I do odd jobs - anything really. I look for adverts on a website. So far I've worked as a movie extra and really enjoyed it. One time I worked on a music video as one of the fans of the artist.

"Another time I was asked to be a model to promote a company's product.

"To save money, I don't really go clothes shopping. If I have spare time, I go to bookstores to read books and magazines for free."

She does odd jobs? she would find ANY work? Wrong....please...always have goals in your life...when you go to the gym, you have a goal, when you do business, you have a goal, it is only when you set targets, you will know when you acheive them....dont wonder of and loose yourself and perspective of life.

"I used to work in a factory, but it relocated to China. I was unemployed for a year. In March, I began helping a friend with his new business - picking up and delivering drugs for people with chronic or serious illnesses, such as diabetes, cancer or pneumonia.

"They can't get around easily. When I see my customers, I have a warm feeling, like I'm helping my grandfather. Their son or grandson is busy, so they also feel good there's someone coming by to help them. Sometimes they pay me extra to take them to the park for a stroll.

"I also help them make appointments, sometimes staying at hospitals overnight to queue up for appointments with popular doctors."

And you thought you had issues? This is why I always encourage people to think of others, it is only when you see how other people really suffer in life, you will appreciate what you have.

"My husband and I used to work almost every night from 1900 to 0400, gluing advertisement posters to buses.

But there's been little work lately, so I've started handing out leaflets on streets instead.

"Some people are very nice; they encourage us by saying things like 'Working hard!' That really touches me.

"Between the two of us, we make NT$50,000 (US$1,500) a month. It's not enough, because our mortgage payments are high, so we are having to use our credit card.

"What pleases me is that my son knows to contribute to the family. He gives us the money he makes helping out in the school canteen."

Some people start learning at a young age...thats good...if only the same could be said about youths around the world....sadly that is not the case....

Life is good........the sun wont stop shining.....the trees will still be there....the only difference that there is depends on WHAT YOU DECIDE to do today. Nothing is going to be easy....but nothing is impossible. You CAN get what you want if you step up for it.


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