She was quite lively, until recently. She has been resident in an old folks home for a while now as the family was concerned about her living alone. On her 100th birthday, the close family had a little party for her. Her daughter gave a speech. She talked about her mothers life and Granny attempted to get out of her chair when the speech was being given.
'Sit down mum' says my son in laws mother to her mum.
'Who do you think you are talking to? The bloody dog?' came the reply.
As I said, she was quite lively, until recently.
She has had enough of life. her eye sight is going, as is her hearing. She cannot eat, unaided, and now weighs less than 5 stones (70lbs for foreigners).
I ask myself, why do we insist on keeping old people alive? Having a farm, I'm used to seeing death. If I have an animal that is suffering, I call the vet and he shoots it. It's all very humane. The animal gets hauled away and inspected. If I'm lucky I get a payout.
I'm not suggesting we get a payout for granny, just that she doesn't have to carry on, as is.
It would be the same if I developed Alzheimer's. Someone put me out of my misery please! Who wants to depend on someone to clean them up? Not me!
I was talking to my ex brother in law recently. His dad has Alzheimer's and is in a home. We know each other quite well so he wasn't offended when I told him his dad would be better off out of it. He said he didn't want his dad to die and I told him he was being selfish. He agreed.
I am very lucky in that my dad is as fit as a fiddle. I always say a little prayer when I say that as it is tempting fate. I know. He is in his early 80's and, apart from his hearing, he's fit! I do admit though, he does my head in sometimes, when I have to keep repeating myself

I'm a believer in Euthanasia. I firmly believe that a person has the right to end their life as and when they see fit.
If I had a terminal illness and there was definately no way back, I would rather end it all than be confined to a life of misery and pain for years. If I was old, very old, and either wasn't physically capable of looking after myself or my mind was somewhere else, then please, someone give me an injection!
Sadly, in the UK, you are not legally allowed to end your life. If someone helps you, then they leave themselves open to prosecution.
Would you put someone you love out of their misery? I would, without hesitation.