What happened with the Crackberries is only a symptom of an underlying illness, given the type of tech platform that the Blackberry is, and that the servers are proprietary to RIM it was necessary for Etisalat to purchase client side software and force the install on the subscribed user base (as they could not install it on the RIM message servers) to keep an eye on what you are up to.
It required no great leap of the imagination to figure out that they have already installed monitoring software on the message servers already within their control so anything you send or receive via you Nokia, Samsung etc is already logged and scanned.
My simple opinion is that this is the thin end of the wedge. Issues of security aside (the great excuse for all evils) the commercial aspect of this snooping is gross. For example, no amount of discussion will persuade me that "they" are not one step away from using information gleaned via unconventional means.
Say for example your import export business is not doing so well in this economic climate and you are confidentially discussing alternate financing or relocating your warehousing to a cheaper country - how would you rate your chances going through the airport on your next business trip ?
The issue is governance and the checks and balances that these systems require to be in place before they can used uniformly - do they exist within Etisalat?

No I don' t think so either !