uaekid wrote:I look like this sultan guy so it will be good for the film maker to hire me for the roll, but I must get paid as much as sylvester stallone, I have the body

I will enjoy kicking your .... untill the time of your escape

Guys who have a "Stallone" body and plenty of ego are the easiest guys to knock out. No fight skills, do not know how to move and no will. Go back to you public servant counter job Kid, you won't kick anybody 's arse.
I have had much tougher times with british sailors on their way to the bar and who looked like my next door neighbor.
There is no such a thing as a free lawyer, they work with both contingency fees and retainers, and get a percentage of the award. Beside lawyers fees, there are many other costs, experts, translations, travel (witnesses), lawyer's cost, secretary, filing. It is not a cheap trip as it drains all your ressources.
In the end it is about clearing my name and reputation, exposing the frauds of DW and getting compensated for my damages. Trial is set on February 14, 2011. Locked date.
So we have Gangsters, banksters, and now the
dubaister, one even more dangerous, offers you to do business in Dubai, screws it up, blames it on you, threatens you and throws you in jail with no charges until you pay him the money HE lost.