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ENGLISH SKY TV Jun 09, 2007
I've been staying with some friends in Dubai for a couple of months now, my intention is to come and live and work here. I've found that one of the hardest things to put up with has been the lack of sensible TV, untill now that is. My mate has just signed up for a system provided by a Uk Company providing Sky+ TV. Its brilliant, I knew of friends and family before and have seen it work. However its kind of jerky alot of the time, this system on the other hand is great. He has it plugged into a 42" plasma and its just like sitting at home in the UK. This development is going to make my decision much easier, I'll be able to watch all the Sport and the missus can watch her soaps which she has been missing. When I get settled its something I've got to have, probably connected to a home cinema system. Any way its something that I thought would be of interest to any other Brits out there. See you later off to watch Cora.

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Jun 10, 2007
Do you have a link to website or somewhere we can get more info?
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Jun 10, 2007
this has been discussed before at length

do a search on "slingbox" in the forum and its all there.

The problem as to why its shaky is that the download speeds in Dubai are pathetic compared to UK etc.

We have 8/16 mb for the price of 256k in dubai.

The fastest available in dubai i think is 2mb, but others can correct me if i am wrong. At 2mb the upload/download from the slingbox should be a perfect picture, but a 2mb connection isnt cheap via Etisrobalot or DIC.

Hope this helps
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ENLISH SKY Jun 11, 2007
I've checked with my friend, his experience is very different. Apparently he has seen two other systems, one friends and family, and another which provides free view only,on both systems the picture leaves lots to be desired. This Sky+ system on the other hand I suppose you would call la creme de la creme. Having talked to others its a huge bone of contention over here (the quality of TV that is) it seems to me anything that can improve the quality of our social life is worth checking out.
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