Dubai Issues List Of Prohibited Public Behaviours

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Mar 28, 2009
The only point you proved to yourself, is that you are no different than those Maroccan guys over here.

Just as rude and unrespectful. Hence your reply.

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Mar 28, 2009
moejoe wrote:
Speedhump wrote:
RobbyG wrote:I honestly don't believe this unless you can give us some proof.

Offcourse excesses happen but I'm not buying it simply for someone his word. Show it to me whats troubling you.

And don't be so short fused son. We're no bully's here. Make your point...

Robby he can't give proof that there has ever been anything more than isolated incidents, but he just 'knows' it happens, see?

There are racial killings all over the world. the Emirati in his Hummer that ran over an English woman TWICE outside a hotel here proves that.

It is much more common for Muslim women dressed in Islamic attire to be abused, spat on and even assaulted in the west, then it is for western sluts to receive the same treatment in Dubai by locals. I am not aware of any westerner being the victim of racial abuse, verbal or physical in Dubai, while the same is not true for Muslims in the west. Numerous Saudi and other Gulf students have been abuses, assaulted and killed by racist. The driver that ran over a British woman was not a racist and the crime was not racially motivated, if it was please let me know.

Same rubbish again I'm afraid, no proof of any systemic harassment of Muslims in the UK (as there is none). You are one of the few that believe that the UK is not a tolerant society, your view is the opposite of the almost two million Muslims living peacefully there.

If there are isolated indicents of racism maybe you can blame the tiny but very visible number of Arabs in UK streets spitting on our troops, TV's year round showing Arabs chanting death to Blair, Bush, and whoever else they hate (yes hate) at the time, burning our flags and bibles in the streets, demanding the death of a teacher who innocently allow children to name a toy bear Mohammed (PBUH), religious police harassing perfectly decently dressed western women on Saudi streets, etc, etc, etc, etc.

The Hummer guy? Oh please, the taxi driver was Indian, the passengers were white, they were in his way and he saw red, went crazy. He would never have done that with a woman wearing hijab and you damn well know it. You are deliberately half-blind, you see any attacks on people from ME as racism but not the other way around. Read in the local newpapers about the young Emiratis taking Indian boys (yes boys) and Filipina women into their cars, driving them out into the desert and raping them. It happens often enough.

As RobbyG said, Middle Easterners can be among the worst racists in the world, their treatment of workers from the subcontinent for example is disgraceful, look in your own back yard to find the rotten smell.

I know more people in the UK than you do, so that makes me right about the UK, according to your logic. A few bad apples doesn't mean the whole crop is bad, but you will only apply that to Arabs, I can smell the stink of your racism from here. As I said before, thank God that you are only part of a hate filled minority (in all countries).

I've wasted enough words on you now.
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Mar 28, 2009
I agree with you! I have had to sit and listen to some Emiratis saying they wish they could run over Indians in the street!

These people have little or no respect from people from certain nationalities, they are nothing to them and treat them as such.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 28, 2009
Just a question do woman have to cover themselves like wear the hijab or can they wear whatever they like?
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Mar 28, 2009
moejoe wrote:
Speedhump wrote:
moejoe wrote:here is a quote that sums up the western attitude to Dubai, including mine,

"Dubai is desperate to be loved. It's the kid at school with parents that bought the best and newest games. You go round, play with them, ignore him because he's boring and don't care if you break anything because its not yours anyway".

Ignore the troll.....

Yes ignore, just like you filthy kufrs ignore the religion and culture of the UAE, just like you ignore the people as if they are the ones out of place. Just like you try to develop your own little colonies, and live in Dubai as if its you own the country yet you have no loyalties to it, and dont even act with consideration to the culture and religion. My mother is Emirati and she wears the full veil and I am disgusted that when she returned to Dubai she was stared at by slutty disrespectful whores and had to tolerate comments from western kufr cunts. As if she was the one with something to be ashamed of. My cousins are fed up with westerners acting with tension the minute an Emirati walks into a cafe. They are fed up hearing anti Islamic comments by western pricks whenever the Athaan goes off in a mall, why do they go there if they hate the race, culture and religion?

Anyways having, been to London, having seen how in racist westerners are to Arabs and how much they hate Muslims I can assure many young emiratis will no longer be tolerating you kuffr cunts.

Another warped troll. So many false accusations and exaggerations. In my time living in Dubai I never heard any comments in malls about the prayers, and comments made to veiled women. Never have I seen anyone show tension when Emiratis walk into a cafe. There is huge number of Muslims in the environment and yet tons of non-Muslims continue to live and work alongside them without fear and with respect. So, moejoe, you are waaaaay off base with your comments. If you really are living in Dubai, you are plainly ignoring all the positive things in your environment. I feel sorry that you harbour so much hate for Westerners.

And Western countries have been very tolerant to Muslims, and that is why so many Muslims have called those countries home. Only a small minority of very biased, unenlighted people have problems with foreigners in their countries. It seems to me moejoe that you represent that same kind of person in the UAE. Something to think about.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 28, 2009
for petrovic.Z:

I'm sure there are Musims here who will answer you well, but in short Muslim women must dress modestly and not show their hair or body shape, anything to attract male attention.

Some young girls consider hijab to mean wearing a headscarf only, with jeans, sweaters etc. Some women (usually older, but sometimes just wives of very strict Muslims) wear the full burka, complete cover from head to toe including face, and others do everything in between. The headscarf is often worn fashionably, showing a lot of hair which I think is not religiously correct, but this is a very tolerant country in general, compared to Saudi, Iran, etc. Women often wear beautifully embroidered abayas, the long loose dress you see them in, usually in black but not always. Women being women, they of course still like to look great, and will have beautifully made up eyes and faces, carry a great handbag, wear a nice watch, even s*xy shoes.

Unfortunately there are a very few expats or tourists that walk around shopping malls etc wearing swimwear or see-through clothes, which is a huge insult to the nationals. I like to think it is their ignorance rather than deliberate antagonism, and if I get the chance I talk to them and ask nicely why they are dressed improperly in a Muslim country. Nationals in my experience don't usually do this, they keep politely quiet, which is a shame.

Human nature versus religion, it's a worldwide situation.
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Mar 28, 2009
I once saw a tourist (male) wearing tight bathing shorts and a t-shirt in MOE. I couldn't believe my eyes. Then there was a tourist who got off a bus to take pics of Jumeirah mosque (during Ramadan) and she was wearing a tight white partially see-through tank top and a short pink mini-skirt. Tourists seriously need to educate themselves about their environment before they arrive. It isn't that hard to wear summer pants or throw a pashmina over your shoulders!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 28, 2009
Speedhump wrote:for petrovic.Z:

I'm sure there are Musims here who will answer you well, but in short Muslim women must dress modestly and not show their hair or body shape, anything to attract male attention.

Some young girls consider hijab to mean wearing a headscarf only, with jeans, sweaters etc. Some women (usually older, but sometimes just wives of very strict Muslims) wear the full burka, complete cover from head to toe including face, and others do everything in between. The headscarf is often worn fashionably, showing a lot of hair which I think is not religiously correct, but this is a very tolerant country in general, compared to Saudi, Iran, etc. Women often wear beautifully embroidered abayas, the long loose dress you see them in, usually in black but not always. Women being women, they of course still like to look great, and will have beautifully made up eyes and faces, carry a great handbag, wear a nice watch, even s*xy shoes.

Unfortunately there are a very few expats or tourists that walk around shopping malls etc wearing swimwear or see-through clothes, which is a huge insult to the nationals. I like to think it is their ignorance rather than deliberate antagonism, and if I get the chance I talk to them and ask nicely why they are dressed improperly in a Muslim country. Nationals in my experience don't usually do this, they keep politely quiet, which is a shame.

Human nature versus religion, it's a worldwide situation.

Great answer and i totally agree with you.. even though im not muslim i still respect other religion and beliefs i dont see why we as tourists cant seem to understand as you said IGNORANCE!
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Mar 28, 2009
Nucleus wrote:
naruto wrote:didnt we discuss this issue before.. :lol: for women its not alloed in public ..islam said so ..for men its( MAKROOH) as far as i know my islamic religon very well ..u cant prove otherwise from QURAN..

Fatwa is there, you are more knowledgeable than that sheik?

ya im more knowleable than that sheik..not everything sheiks says is correct especially from to make it simple..its allowed for men but its (maktooh) and its not mkrooh for men if he was coming from a journy..for women its not allowed in public..

i know my religion very well i have a degree in islamic studies.
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Mar 28, 2009
Petrovic.Z wrote:
Great answer and i totally agree with you.. even though im not muslim i still respect other religion and beliefs i dont see why we as tourists cant seem to understand as you said IGNORANCE!

Petrovich, a daugher of Peter, isn't a muslim of cause. There are different requirements in different Emirates (states). You can wear whatever you want in Dubai but headscarf isn't necessary for Christian woman everywhere.
You should wear more conservative dress in Sharjah - a skirt that covers your knees and a blose that covers your arms...
Red Chief
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Mar 28, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
Petrovic.Z wrote:
Great answer and i totally agree with you.. even though im not muslim i still respect other religion and beliefs i dont see why we as tourists cant seem to understand as you said IGNORANCE!

Petrovich, a daugher of Peter, isn't a muslim of cause. There are different requirements in different Emirates (states). You can wear whatever you want in Dubai but headscarf isn't necessary for Christian woman everywhere.
You should wear more conservative dress in Sharjah - a skirt that covers your knees and a blose that covers your arms...

Yes of course. I was only talking about Muslim dress code. Sorry if I misunderstood the question!
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Mar 28, 2009
naruto wrote:
Nucleus wrote:
naruto wrote:didnt we discuss this issue before.. :lol: for women its not alloed in public ..islam said so ..for men its( MAKROOH) as far as i know my islamic religon very well ..u cant prove otherwise from QURAN..

Fatwa is there, you are more knowledgeable than that sheik?

ya im more knowleable than that sheik..not everything sheiks says is correct especially from to make it simple..its allowed for men but its (maktooh) and its not mkrooh for men if he was coming from a journy..for women its not allowed in public..

i know my religion very well i have a degree in islamic studies.

I've degree too in Islamic studies. And that sheik is prominent Islamic lecturer and author, and he is member of fatwa penal in number of Institutions.

He wrote the following book which is pretenient to subject in this thread:

Now, sheik may or may not be right about everything, nonetheless, he has more credibility than you.

Even if I accept your argument, but you have to support your argument.

So I want you to go into detail over few things:
(1) Reasons why it is not allowed for women in public?
(2) Do you agree or disagree with sheik on this issue:
As for a handsome beardless youth, it is haraam to kiss him under any circumstances, whether he is returning from a journey or not. It seems that embracing him is akin to kissing him, whether the one who is kissing or the one who is kissed are righteous or otherwise. End quote from al-Majmoo’, 4/477

Give your reasons.
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Mar 28, 2009
:happy1: :read:
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Mar 28, 2009
RobbyG wrote::happy1: :read:

you dont need a degree for that!!!!!

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Mar 28, 2009
sharfraz wrote:
RobbyG wrote::happy1: :read:

you dont need a degree for that!!!!!


:lol: Being able to listen is a virtue :wink:
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Mar 28, 2009
Nucleus wrote:
naruto wrote:
Nucleus wrote:
naruto wrote:didnt we discuss this issue before.. :lol: for women its not alloed in public ..islam said so ..for men its( MAKROOH) as far as i know my islamic religon very well ..u cant prove otherwise from QURAN..

Fatwa is there, you are more knowledgeable than that sheik?

ya im more knowleable than that sheik..not everything sheiks says is correct especially from to make it simple..its allowed for men but its (maktooh) and its not mkrooh for men if he was coming from a journy..for women its not allowed in public..

i know my religion very well i have a degree in islamic studies.

I've degree too in Islamic studies. And that sheik is prominent Islamic lecturer and author, and he is member of fatwa penal in number of Institutions.

He wrote the following book which is pretenient to subject in this thread:

Now, sheik may or may not be right about everything, nonetheless, he has more credibility than you.

Even if I accept your argument, but you have to support your argument.

So I want you to go into detail over few things:
(1) Reasons why it is not allowed for women in public?
(2) Do you agree or disagree with sheik on this issue:
As for a handsome beardless youth, it is haraam to kiss him under any circumstances, whether he is returning from a journey or not. It seems that embracing him is akin to kissing him, whether the one who is kissing or the one who is kissed are righteous or otherwise. End quote from al-Majmoo’, 4/477

Give your reasons.

haa have the degree you answer the Qustions.. :lol:

i made my self clear about the kissing in public ...peace bro :lol:
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Mar 28, 2009
ما حكم التقبيل في الإسلام، مثل: تقبيل الرجل للرجل، أو المرأة للمرأة، وبين الأصدقاء والأقارب؟ الرجاء أن يكون الجواب مع الأدلة والبراهين في كل الأحوال، ثم رأي المفتي

تقبيل الرجل للرجل والمرأة للمرأة بلا شهوة جائز في أصله، إذا كان في الرأس أو الخد، أما في الفم فلا لاحتمال إثارة الشهوة، وأحسن من التقبيل المعانقة لخلوها من القُبَل، ولأنها كانت فعل السلف، وكذا المصافحة باليد فإنها تضفي جواً من الود بين المتصافحين دون حدوث إثارة غير محمودة، سيما بين المُردان، والجميلات من النساء.
قال ابن مفلح في (الآداب الشرعية):" وتباح المعانقة، وتقبيل اليد والرأس تديناً، وإكراماً، واحتراماً مع أمن الشهوة"، وقال مهنا بن يحيى:" رأيت أبا عبدالله (يعني أحمد ابن حنبل) يُقَّبلُ وجهُهُ ورأسُه وخدُه ولا يقول شيئاً، ورأيته لا يمتنع من ذلك ولا يكرهه".
وقال إسحاق بن إبراهيم:" إن أبا عبدالله احتج في المعانقة بحديث أبي ذر –رضي الله عنه- أنّ النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- عانقه، انظر ما رواه أبو داود (5214) وأحمد (21444-21476) قال: وسألته عن الرجل يلقى الرجل يعانقه؟ قال: نعم فعله أبو الدرداء -رضي الله عنه-".
وأما مصافحة الرجال للنساء الأجنبيات فحرام لا يجوز، قالت عائشة -رضي الله عنها- كما في الصحيحين البخاري (2713) ومسلم (1866):" كان -عليه السلام- يأخذ البيعة من النساء كلاماً، وما مست يد رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يد امرأة قط"، يعني: يد امرأة أجنبية ليست محرماً له، وقد حرّم المصافحة أئمة الإسلام الأعلام كالإمام أحمد، وابن تيمية، وغيرهما ممّن لا يحُصون عدداً.
وأما تقبيل النساء الأجنبيات ومعانقتهن فحرام من باب أولى، ولا أظن أحداً يبيحه أو يجادل فيه.
وأما تقبيل ذوات المحارم فلا بأس به مع أمن الفتنة في الرأس واليد أما الفم فلا؛ لأنه محل المتعة والشهوة، وفي -صحيح البخاري- (3918) من حديث البراء –رضي الله عنه- قبّل أبو بكر –رضي الله عنه- عائشة –رضي الله عنها- ابنته حين كانت مضطجعة قد أصابتها الحمى، والله أعلم. أما في الفم فلا، منعه شيخنا العلامة ابن باز رحمه الله- وغيره من أهل العلم

د.رياض بن محمد المسيميرى

عضو هيئة التدريس بجامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية ... egoryid=15

its in arabic ..u have to translate it ..oh i forgot u have a degree in islamic studies no problem for u..
Dubai Expat Helper
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Mar 28, 2009
naruto wrote:ما حكم التقبيل في الإسلام، مثل: تقبيل الرجل للرجل، أو المرأة للمرأة، وبين الأصدقاء والأقارب؟ الرجاء أن يكون الجواب مع الأدلة والبراهين في كل الأحوال، ثم رأي المفتي

تقبيل الرجل للرجل والمرأة للمرأة بلا شهوة جائز في أصله، إذا كان في الرأس أو الخد، أما في الفم فلا لاحتمال إثارة الشهوة، وأحسن من التقبيل المعانقة لخلوها من القُبَل، ولأنها كانت فعل السلف، وكذا المصافحة باليد فإنها تضفي جواً من الود بين المتصافحين دون حدوث إثارة غير محمودة، سيما بين المُردان، والجميلات من النساء.
قال ابن مفلح في (الآداب الشرعية):" وتباح المعانقة، وتقبيل اليد والرأس تديناً، وإكراماً، واحتراماً مع أمن الشهوة"، وقال مهنا بن يحيى:" رأيت أبا عبدالله (يعني أحمد ابن حنبل) يُقَّبلُ وجهُهُ ورأسُه وخدُه ولا يقول شيئاً، ورأيته لا يمتنع من ذلك ولا يكرهه".
وقال إسحاق بن إبراهيم:" إن أبا عبدالله احتج في المعانقة بحديث أبي ذر –رضي الله عنه- أنّ النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- عانقه، انظر ما رواه أبو داود (5214) وأحمد (21444-21476) قال: وسألته عن الرجل يلقى الرجل يعانقه؟ قال: نعم فعله أبو الدرداء -رضي الله عنه-".
وأما مصافحة الرجال للنساء الأجنبيات فحرام لا يجوز، قالت عائشة -رضي الله عنها- كما في الصحيحين البخاري (2713) ومسلم (1866):" كان -عليه السلام- يأخذ البيعة من النساء كلاماً، وما مست يد رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يد امرأة قط"، يعني: يد امرأة أجنبية ليست محرماً له، وقد حرّم المصافحة أئمة الإسلام الأعلام كالإمام أحمد، وابن تيمية، وغيرهما ممّن لا يحُصون عدداً.
وأما تقبيل النساء الأجنبيات ومعانقتهن فحرام من باب أولى، ولا أظن أحداً يبيحه أو يجادل فيه.
وأما تقبيل ذوات المحارم فلا بأس به مع أمن الفتنة في الرأس واليد أما الفم فلا؛ لأنه محل المتعة والشهوة، وفي -صحيح البخاري- (3918) من حديث البراء –رضي الله عنه- قبّل أبو بكر –رضي الله عنه- عائشة –رضي الله عنها- ابنته حين كانت مضطجعة قد أصابتها الحمى، والله أعلم. أما في الفم فلا، منعه شيخنا العلامة ابن باز رحمه الله- وغيره من أهل العلم

د.رياض بن محمد المسيميرى

عضو هيئة التدريس بجامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية ... egoryid=15

its in arabic ..u have to translate it ..oh i forgot u have a degree in islamic studies no problem for u..

This is an english forum so YOU will have to translate it for us in order for us ALL to read it properly.

This shows your incompetence dearly.
Shshh Islamic scholar he says... my @ss. Cut 'n paste activities 8)
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 28, 2009
What is the ruling on kissing in Islam? Such as: men kissing men, or women for women, between friends and relatives? Please be the answer with the evidence and the evidence in each case, then the opinion of the Mufti.

Advisor: Dr.. Riaz Mohammed bin Amasimiri


Answer: Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and after:
Men kissing men and women with no desire for women is possible in the origin, whether in the head or cheek, and in the mouth can not raise the possibility of desire, is better than kissing and hugging to kissing free, and it was an act of advances, as well as hand-shaking hands, they lend an atmosphere of cordiality between the Almtsafhin without create an undesirable, especially among Almerdan, and beautiful women.
Ibn Muflih in (Islamic literature): "The permitted hugging and kissing the hand and the religious head, and honor, and respect with the security of Lust," and said Mihanna Ben Yahia: "I saw a father, Abdullah (Ahmad Ibn Hanbal mean) accept and face and head and cheek and say nothing, and I saw refrain from that and hated. "
Said Isaac Ben Abraham: "Abu Abdullah argued in hugging my father gave Dharr - may Allah be pleased with him - that the Prophet - peace be upon him - Aangah, see what was narrated by Abu Dawood (5214) and Ahmed (21444-21476) said: I asked him about the man is men Iengah? said: "Yes, did Abu Darda - may Allah be pleased with him -".
The men shake hands with foreign women may not be haraam, said Aisha - may Allah be pleased with them - as in the correct al-Bukhaari (2713) and Muslim (1866): "It was - peace be upon him - to take a pledge of the women talk, and touched by the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and - never by a woman ", I mean: the hands of a foreign woman is not a taboo, has denied the imams of Islam handshake flags; Kalimam Ahmed, Ibn Taymiyah, and others who are counting the number.
The foreign women kissing Amaanguethn haraam and a fortiori, I do not think anyone argues or permitted therein.
The kiss with incest, there is nothing wrong with the security of discord in the head and the hand not the mouth; to replace that of desire and pleasure, and - Sahih Al-Bukhari - (3918) from the hadeeth of Disavowal - may Allah be pleased with him - by Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with him - Aisha - may Allah be pleased with about - when his daughter was hit by Amadtdjap had fever, and Allah knows best. In the mouth it, the officer stopped him Shaykh Ibn Baaz mark - may God have mercy on him - and other scholars.

Location: the light of Islam.
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Mar 28, 2009
Now you may stay 8)
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Mar 29, 2009
RobbyG wrote:
naruto wrote:ما حكم التقبيل في الإسلام، مثل: تقبيل الرجل للرجل، أو المرأة للمرأة، وبين الأصدقاء والأقارب؟ الرجاء أن يكون الجواب مع الأدلة والبراهين في كل الأحوال، ثم رأي المفتي

تقبيل الرجل للرجل والمرأة للمرأة بلا شهوة جائز في أصله، إذا كان في الرأس أو الخد، أما في الفم فلا لاحتمال إثارة الشهوة، وأحسن من التقبيل المعانقة لخلوها من القُبَل، ولأنها كانت فعل السلف، وكذا المصافحة باليد فإنها تضفي جواً من الود بين المتصافحين دون حدوث إثارة غير محمودة، سيما بين المُردان، والجميلات من النساء.
قال ابن مفلح في (الآداب الشرعية):" وتباح المعانقة، وتقبيل اليد والرأس تديناً، وإكراماً، واحتراماً مع أمن الشهوة"، وقال مهنا بن يحيى:" رأيت أبا عبدالله (يعني أحمد ابن حنبل) يُقَّبلُ وجهُهُ ورأسُه وخدُه ولا يقول شيئاً، ورأيته لا يمتنع من ذلك ولا يكرهه".
وقال إسحاق بن إبراهيم:" إن أبا عبدالله احتج في المعانقة بحديث أبي ذر –رضي الله عنه- أنّ النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- عانقه، انظر ما رواه أبو داود (5214) وأحمد (21444-21476) قال: وسألته عن الرجل يلقى الرجل يعانقه؟ قال: نعم فعله أبو الدرداء -رضي الله عنه-".
وأما مصافحة الرجال للنساء الأجنبيات فحرام لا يجوز، قالت عائشة -رضي الله عنها- كما في الصحيحين البخاري (2713) ومسلم (1866):" كان -عليه السلام- يأخذ البيعة من النساء كلاماً، وما مست يد رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يد امرأة قط"، يعني: يد امرأة أجنبية ليست محرماً له، وقد حرّم المصافحة أئمة الإسلام الأعلام كالإمام أحمد، وابن تيمية، وغيرهما ممّن لا يحُصون عدداً.
وأما تقبيل النساء الأجنبيات ومعانقتهن فحرام من باب أولى، ولا أظن أحداً يبيحه أو يجادل فيه.
وأما تقبيل ذوات المحارم فلا بأس به مع أمن الفتنة في الرأس واليد أما الفم فلا؛ لأنه محل المتعة والشهوة، وفي -صحيح البخاري- (3918) من حديث البراء –رضي الله عنه- قبّل أبو بكر –رضي الله عنه- عائشة –رضي الله عنها- ابنته حين كانت مضطجعة قد أصابتها الحمى، والله أعلم. أما في الفم فلا، منعه شيخنا العلامة ابن باز رحمه الله- وغيره من أهل العلم

د.رياض بن محمد المسيميرى

عضو هيئة التدريس بجامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية ... egoryid=15

its in arabic ..u have to translate it ..oh i forgot u have a degree in islamic studies no problem for u..

This is an english forum so YOU will have to translate it for us in order for us ALL to read it properly.

This shows your incompetence dearly.
Shshh Islamic scholar he says... my @ss. Cut 'n paste activities 8)
Dubai Expat Helper
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Mar 29, 2009
naruto wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
naruto wrote:ما حكم التقبيل في الإسلام، مثل: تقبيل الرجل للرجل، أو المرأة للمرأة، وبين الأصدقاء والأقارب؟ الرجاء أن يكون الجواب مع الأدلة والبراهين في كل الأحوال، ثم رأي المفتي

تقبيل الرجل للرجل والمرأة للمرأة بلا شهوة جائز في أصله، إذا كان في الرأس أو الخد، أما في الفم فلا لاحتمال إثارة الشهوة، وأحسن من التقبيل المعانقة لخلوها من القُبَل، ولأنها كانت فعل السلف، وكذا المصافحة باليد فإنها تضفي جواً من الود بين المتصافحين دون حدوث إثارة غير محمودة، سيما بين المُردان، والجميلات من النساء.
قال ابن مفلح في (الآداب الشرعية):" وتباح المعانقة، وتقبيل اليد والرأس تديناً، وإكراماً، واحتراماً مع أمن الشهوة"، وقال مهنا بن يحيى:" رأيت أبا عبدالله (يعني أحمد ابن حنبل) يُقَّبلُ وجهُهُ ورأسُه وخدُه ولا يقول شيئاً، ورأيته لا يمتنع من ذلك ولا يكرهه".
وقال إسحاق بن إبراهيم:" إن أبا عبدالله احتج في المعانقة بحديث أبي ذر –رضي الله عنه- أنّ النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- عانقه، انظر ما رواه أبو داود (5214) وأحمد (21444-21476) قال: وسألته عن الرجل يلقى الرجل يعانقه؟ قال: نعم فعله أبو الدرداء -رضي الله عنه-".
وأما مصافحة الرجال للنساء الأجنبيات فحرام لا يجوز، قالت عائشة -رضي الله عنها- كما في الصحيحين البخاري (2713) ومسلم (1866):" كان -عليه السلام- يأخذ البيعة من النساء كلاماً، وما مست يد رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يد امرأة قط"، يعني: يد امرأة أجنبية ليست محرماً له، وقد حرّم المصافحة أئمة الإسلام الأعلام كالإمام أحمد، وابن تيمية، وغيرهما ممّن لا يحُصون عدداً.
وأما تقبيل النساء الأجنبيات ومعانقتهن فحرام من باب أولى، ولا أظن أحداً يبيحه أو يجادل فيه.
وأما تقبيل ذوات المحارم فلا بأس به مع أمن الفتنة في الرأس واليد أما الفم فلا؛ لأنه محل المتعة والشهوة، وفي -صحيح البخاري- (3918) من حديث البراء –رضي الله عنه- قبّل أبو بكر –رضي الله عنه- عائشة –رضي الله عنها- ابنته حين كانت مضطجعة قد أصابتها الحمى، والله أعلم. أما في الفم فلا، منعه شيخنا العلامة ابن باز رحمه الله- وغيره من أهل العلم

د.رياض بن محمد المسيميرى

عضو هيئة التدريس بجامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية ... egoryid=15

its in arabic ..u have to translate it ..oh i forgot u have a degree in islamic studies no problem for u..

This is an english forum so YOU will have to translate it for us in order for us ALL to read it properly.

This shows your incompetence dearly.
Shshh Islamic scholar he says... my @ss. Cut 'n paste activities 8)

robby G dont judge me plz u dont even know me ..
and yes i have it not like u wasting my hole time in the forum.get a life loser..

and u are the one who is using this method(copy paste) to do ur CV.

some ppl are tring hard to get a job here , thats why they are 24/7 on this forum showing to ppl that they are the funny and they are the one with strong personality , and no one can argu with them ..and may be someday some1 will notice that and offer Them a job..lool.i hope u are not one of ...

seriously man u have issues..get real
Dubai Expat Helper
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Mar 29, 2009
naruto wrote:
naruto wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
naruto wrote:ما حكم التقبيل في الإسلام، مثل: تقبيل الرجل للرجل، أو المرأة للمرأة، وبين الأصدقاء والأقارب؟ الرجاء أن يكون الجواب مع الأدلة والبراهين في كل الأحوال، ثم رأي المفتي

تقبيل الرجل للرجل والمرأة للمرأة بلا شهوة جائز في أصله، إذا كان في الرأس أو الخد، أما في الفم فلا لاحتمال إثارة الشهوة، وأحسن من التقبيل المعانقة لخلوها من القُبَل، ولأنها كانت فعل السلف، وكذا المصافحة باليد فإنها تضفي جواً من الود بين المتصافحين دون حدوث إثارة غير محمودة، سيما بين المُردان، والجميلات من النساء.
قال ابن مفلح في (الآداب الشرعية):" وتباح المعانقة، وتقبيل اليد والرأس تديناً، وإكراماً، واحتراماً مع أمن الشهوة"، وقال مهنا بن يحيى:" رأيت أبا عبدالله (يعني أحمد ابن حنبل) يُقَّبلُ وجهُهُ ورأسُه وخدُه ولا يقول شيئاً، ورأيته لا يمتنع من ذلك ولا يكرهه".
وقال إسحاق بن إبراهيم:" إن أبا عبدالله احتج في المعانقة بحديث أبي ذر –رضي الله عنه- أنّ النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- عانقه، انظر ما رواه أبو داود (5214) وأحمد (21444-21476) قال: وسألته عن الرجل يلقى الرجل يعانقه؟ قال: نعم فعله أبو الدرداء -رضي الله عنه-".
وأما مصافحة الرجال للنساء الأجنبيات فحرام لا يجوز، قالت عائشة -رضي الله عنها- كما في الصحيحين البخاري (2713) ومسلم (1866):" كان -عليه السلام- يأخذ البيعة من النساء كلاماً، وما مست يد رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يد امرأة قط"، يعني: يد امرأة أجنبية ليست محرماً له، وقد حرّم المصافحة أئمة الإسلام الأعلام كالإمام أحمد، وابن تيمية، وغيرهما ممّن لا يحُصون عدداً.
وأما تقبيل النساء الأجنبيات ومعانقتهن فحرام من باب أولى، ولا أظن أحداً يبيحه أو يجادل فيه.
وأما تقبيل ذوات المحارم فلا بأس به مع أمن الفتنة في الرأس واليد أما الفم فلا؛ لأنه محل المتعة والشهوة، وفي -صحيح البخاري- (3918) من حديث البراء –رضي الله عنه- قبّل أبو بكر –رضي الله عنه- عائشة –رضي الله عنها- ابنته حين كانت مضطجعة قد أصابتها الحمى، والله أعلم. أما في الفم فلا، منعه شيخنا العلامة ابن باز رحمه الله- وغيره من أهل العلم

د.رياض بن محمد المسيميرى

عضو هيئة التدريس بجامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية ... egoryid=15

its in arabic ..u have to translate it ..oh i forgot u have a degree in islamic studies no problem for u..

This is an english forum so YOU will have to translate it for us in order for us ALL to read it properly.

This shows your incompetence dearly.
Shshh Islamic scholar he says... my @ss. Cut 'n paste activities 8)

robby G dont judge me plz u dont even know me ..
and yes i have it not like u wasting my hole time in the forum.get a life loser..

and u are the one who is using this method(copy paste) to do ur CV.

some ppl are tring hard to get a job here , thats why they are 24/7 on this forum showing to ppl that they are the funny and they are the one with strong personality , and no one can argu with them ..and may be someday some1 will notice that and offer Them a job..lool.i hope u are not one of ...

seriously man u have issues..get real

I'll sit back and get comfy.....

Dubai Forums Zealot
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Mar 29, 2009

I was just buggin' your little A-munch. Don't turn pricky on me now.
You are the one that uses copy paste strategies in Arabic... and that on an English forum...

I bet my CV looks more promising than yours. Eat that, little tosser.
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Mar 29, 2009
sometimes this forum gets boring :D
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Mar 29, 2009
rudeboy wrote:sometimes this forum gets boring :D

So true. A few hours less a day is a welcome relief :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ohhh laughing my azz off A-gain 8)
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Mar 29, 2009
does that mean i can smoke in my car ?

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Mar 29, 2009
No, thats bad for your environment. New rule. :D
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Apr 02, 2009
cant wait to move back to america .....
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Apr 02, 2009
KINGLOKI wrote:cant wait to move back to america .....

And that was the positive note on which we will end this thread. :lol:

Keep it up people: you'll manage. The mind is strong :idea:
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