Dubai Forums Restored.

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Dubai Forums restored. May 18, 2005
Yesterday was hacked.. The hackers messed with the
database thus General Chat Forum was erased.
We had to restore the database from the 12th May backup, so all the
messages that were written after May, 12 are lost.
We are tracking the hacker's IP now.

I'm very sorry for what happened.
Now is updated to the latest version and is much more

Dubai Forum Admin
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May 18, 2005
Stupid hackers....
Dubai Forums Zealot
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May 19, 2005
I knew it was a hacker. Cos when I pressed reload button all the fonts were quite huge and thre was only one guest! Anyways a msg to hacker -"Get lost u slacker" :x
Dubai Forums Zealot
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May 20, 2005
i have mailed andyba with a few general tips.

i rather u update patches for the board. Anyone with some tools can inject an administrative account into your forum database & reset the database or play with it .spoofin the db would help.

However, just reply back to the mail if i cud be of nyhelp

Dubai chat master
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May 20, 2005
Its good to see how much people care about these forums. I for one am happy that despite the bickering and jokes that sometimes go to far, people here are genually good souls.

Dubai Forums Zealot
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May 20, 2005
yeah, agree with you, after all we are adults arn't we?
Dubai forums GURU
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May 23, 2005
Thank you guys for your support I will try to back up and update the forums as often as possible so that we don't lose any posts in the future.
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May 27, 2005
more power :wink:
sweet mary
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May 30, 2005
Script kid in action? There are many forums which were hacked this springs....

Tina Joe
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