the_zooter wrote:Not flying from Birmingham on Friday afternoon are you??
I've got an interview lined up at the weekend, so I expect I'll be busy busy!! Back to UK on Monday!
no mate, flying out Sat, London
I voted for the 5th cos i am going back on the 9th, so thats the 2nd DF meet i will miss

How bizarre - Some of arniegang's response got amalgamated into my post!! Strange!!
Anyway, no I'm not in Dubai yet - Coming over at weekend for the first time! I'm a Dubai virgin (unless you count the airport, which I've visited before!). Got and interview on sunday and a "meet and greet" session with a company out there, so fingers crossed!! I'd thought it was going to be in a few weeks though, and that I'd get to come along to the forum meet. Hopefully next time!!
Hope you all have a great time though!! And try to play nicely!!