About 57% of the French thinks it was a conspiracy.

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/17/nyreg ... ahn&st=cse
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Bethsmum wrote:Well, we can believe his word, the word of a very rich man about to stand for president, or the word of some immigrant single mother working the graveyard shift in a NY hotel. I bet she was gagging for it.
Bethsmum wrote:Innocent till proven guilty in my book.
He's resigned and it looks as if some French woman is being lined up for the job.
Bora Bora wrote:Bethsmum wrote:Innocent till proven guilty in my book.
He's resigned and it looks as if some French woman is being lined up for the job.
More like forced to resign I would think.![]()
It seems a French woman will be coming out with her story about her "gagging" experience from 9 years ago. Well it seems the door has been opened and I'm sure there will be a few other women to go through it with a story.![]()
I agree, innocent till proven guilty. And it appears that he will be proven guilty by all indications.
desertdudeshj wrote:In one broad swoop, ol'wind bag has made politics the most noble profession in the world.
Being rich and standing for president is what every politician strives for, eh ?
Dillon wrote:it appears now that Gordon Brown has thrown his name in the hat to fill the shoes of Strauss-Kahn, the IMF should know they would be better off with 'Charlie Brown' in the driving seat.
Dillon wrote:it appears now that Gordon Brown has thrown his name in the hat to fill the shoes of Strauss-Kahn, the IMF should know they would be better off with 'Charlie Brown' in the driving seat.
Dillon wrote:it appears now that Gordon Brown has thrown his name in the hat to fill the shoes of Strauss-Kahn, the IMF should know they would be better off with 'Charlie Brown' in the driving seat.
Dillon wrote:It is to be hoped for your sake Bora, that DSK is in fact guilty after his day in court! otherwise you will have a lot of back pedalling to do!There are mitigating circumstances in every case of this nature, all we have at the moment, regardless of historical events, is the word of a Chambermaid! Let’s see what the jury says before he’s castrated and hung out to dry.
If I posted this twice would you read it again?