I've been thinking what 2012 has in store for us.
I'm quite looking forward to the Queens Diamond jubilee. I like all that pomp and ceremony, we do it so well!
I'm not looking forward to the Olymics. Death by terminal boredom.
And then there's the end of the world to look forward to on 21.12.2012
According to the Maya, the current age of gold (fifth age), will end on 21st December 2012. The previous four ages (water, air, fire and earth) are all finished with a tremendous environmental upheaval.
Based on several researchers, the cataclysms that characterized the end of the Maya ages were caused by a reversal of the terrestrial magnetic field due to a shift of the axis of the planet.
The Earth indeed periodically would suffer of a variation of axial tilt from the plane of the elliptic solar system. This would cause doomsday scenarios
So max out your credit cards, folks! We're all gonna die

Anyhow I'll wish you all a very Good Morning Good Morning