2day in the morning was in sharjah...while stuck in this mega traffic...staring at all these buildings being built.... started to think..with all the new buildings coming in buheirah/al nahda...how screwed up is sharjah gonna be after 2 or 3 yrs?
they already got lots of buildings in buheirah area...cause of that..pple can't park their cars...broken sewer systems...crossing over the roads is almost something impossible(see sahara centre & tawuun road)...
and let's not forget the crazy sharjah traffic...
we all know sharjah is poorly planned...u would think that they r at least trying 2 improve the situation...take a trip 2 sharjah..and u will see a rapid...poorly planned developement going on...
Dubai is at least trying 2 solve the traffic problem by getting new bridges..the metro...toll (dont know if last one will help..but time will tell)..
sharjah..is doing nothing abt their infrastructure but focusing on more buildings

if u think that traffic in sharjah is bad...and that dubai-sharjah highway is hell...just wait a little longer

just for the record... i'm not saying that dubai is best place to live.. or that every1 should be living in dubai...and no...i don't hate sharjah..on the contrary..think that sharjah has something special that dubai misses