I Did Not Google This...

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I did not google this... Nov 23, 2023
....It came on my news feed as a recommendation to watch. I did not watch it till the end. I can't. I have to leave the rest for some other time. All I can say that Ummah is fu*ked up.
And such clerics would tell me not to use F word. Fu*k them all.

This happens when Ummah is left without Khalifa for 99 years. Next year will be 100.
Somebody needs to stop this maniacs. Normal people shall vote for a Leader who will be able to stop this practices. People have become "legal" pedophiles.

I pray that Allah send us Khalifah soon, who will order castration of all such males. They do not deserve anything better.
And for clerics; an order to all females, women and girls: to gather and stone them to death.
That would be fair for a change. Enough of male domination.

Why males in the world hate females so much. No empathy whatsoever.
Females need to raise male children differently.

Why so many people just follow their pleasures? There is nothing noble in it. And they do not care. Males do not want to be noble anymore. Why do mothers marry their daughters to not noble males? Fu*k the money or anything they have. Be poor and alone but let them starve. If they want marriage they shall strive to be noble. The End.

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