You’re confused again MCL, The System of Government in the United Kingdom, and foreign policy, is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch, with Queen Elizabeth II, as the current head of State. Please see here for further details The British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain. It is a public service broadcaster, established by a Royal Charter and funded by a licence fee that is paid by UK households. Trust is the foundation of the BBC: “we are independent, impartial and honest.” Please see here for further details. So you see MCL, the BBC are an entity, independent from any Governmental influence or control, now I realise that this would be a difficult concept to grasp for some individuals, in particular, say the residents of countries having a less democratic governance, nevertheless, and history proves it time and time again, the BBC criticises all and sundry, including the British Public and their ruling Government, whatever their political affiliations, and more relevant to your last post, just about every autocratic political leader that ever lived, including the last Shah of Iran and his government.
In truth, The Shah enjoyed the staunch support of successive British Governments, commerce and industry for most of his adult life.
Nowhere in any of the Shah’s interviews does he indicate that he believed his downfall was due to actions by the British Government or their agents. The BBC are, amongst other things a news broadcaster, the choice is yours whether you believe them or not.
You say, ‘My post was based on Britain's past track record when interfering in the internal affairs of other countries’ please indicate specifically, which countries you are referring to as to the best of my knowledge, successive British Governments over the last 100 Years have been requested to assist rather than ‘interfere’ in other countries business.
Muammar Gaddafi as a politician, is not a legitimate target, according to Resolution 1973, but Libya's commander in chief and chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council is a legitimate target, and this has been clarified many times in the news.
You say ‘I highly doubt bombing shanties and tin foil roofs is gonna stop civilians being killed’ me too, I thought the coalition forces were removing Gaddafi’s air defences and all means necessary to protect civilians, I guess if Gaddafi’s air defences are protected by ‘shanties and tin foil roofs’ this would explain it?
NATO have assumed control of the no-fly zone over Libya as agreed at last week’s meeting in Paris and within the timescale set of 1 week set at that same meeting, you really do need to be more selective in the news items you read MCL.
Yet again, there appears to be an underlying distaste for everything British in your posts MCL, why is that?

-- Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:00 pm --
UAE updates support to UN resolution 1973, As an extension of those humanitarian operations the UAE Air Force has committed six F-16 and six Mirage aircraft to participate in the patrols that will enforce the No Fly Zone now established over Libya. UAE Participation in the patrols will commence in the coming days."
Well they’re getting closer, not quite there just yet but given a little more time they may just make it? ... N-FullNews