the trouble is that ive sent over 20 emails to prospective companies but havent gotten any replies not even confirmations. i dont know what my next step will be i guess im gonna keep pursuin that
im interested in workin in banks insurance companies marketing and advertising companies and stuff like that. can anyone tell me what im doing wrong? all that crap they say that a student should put in all the effort really gets to me i dont know what to do i wanna prove my parents and everyone else that doubts me wrong coz i dont wanna jump to college rite now i mean all the experience i can acquire from an internship has gotta help rite it may even help in makin my choice when it comes to wat im gonna study
i just feel that its not fair that ive taken all this time and effort and am gettin no fruit outta this can sum1 pls shed sum lite into this
im generally hardworkin self motivated and promise to make the most of the experience
any help wuld be greatly appreciated
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