Dear Guy Who Designed The Roads In JLT...

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Re: Dear Guy Who Designed The Roads In JLT... Oct 17, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:I say its perfectly alright, but should not be considered a right or law that one must tip. Only good service should be rewarded.

Over here I will only tip if there is no service charge included and if the service was decent

I do believe that "service charge included" is no longer allowed here. And by all means, tip when service is up to standard. The problem when they did include the "service charge" is that those providing the service had no incentive because (1) it was going to the owner to pay for their housing and/or (2) why bust your arse when you are going to get it anyway. Removing it gave them an incentive to actually work for the tip. Even when paying by credit card, I will leave the tip in cash.

People want to THINK "service charge included" as an excuse not to tip. Hairdressers get screwed big time!!! I see so many woman walk out without tipping and watching/listening to them hem and haw about this and that. In the states, hair salons and spas use small envelopes for tips for the person who provided the service. You have the option of putting your name on the envelope or not. I would always write my name. :)

-- Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:28 pm --

sage & onion wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:I say its perfectly alright, but should not be considered a right or law that one must tip. Only good service should be rewarded.

Over here I will only tip if there is no service charge included and if the service was decent

I totally agree with you, howver in the USA we found that the level of service is generally far higher than here.

That's because people in the service industry generally make minimum wage, or slightly above and you have to remember that they are taxed on the wages and are suppose to report tips as income, which is taxed as well. There are restaurants where they split tips, meaning the pool it and divide it equally, which doesn't always work as some do work harder than others. A good restaurant manager will identify those that aren't pulling their weight or staff will complain, and they are put on notice. Also, from the tip pool, they take a percentage off the top which goes to the chef/cook and busboys.

Bora Bora
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Re: Dear Guy who designed the roads in JLT... Oct 17, 2010
Tipping habits vary between cultures, in the US, as Bora has already said, tips make up a considerable percentage of the waiting staff wages who are only paid a basic salary, hence the good service levels, in Germany it is considered extravagant and offensive to tip more than the loose change that makes up the bill to the nearest Euro, in Dubai I think they’re just happy with what they can get away with, unless of course you patronise one of the establishments who actually train their staff! every culture has different habits, I would agree that without service charges on the bill, to tip on the delivery of good attentive service and never leave a tip via plastic.
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Re: Dear Guy who designed the roads in JLT... Oct 18, 2010
If you get a bill with service charge included, its worth asking your server if that goes to the staff.

Many establishments charge it and it just goes to the company, the staff never see a fils. If that is the case, you entitled to ask to have it removed and tip your server appropriately.

You may also enter a world of hurt with the establishment management who will insist is is compulsory.

Fight for your rights!

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Dubai Knight
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Re: Dear Guy who designed the roads in JLT... Oct 18, 2010
Dubai Knight wrote: If that is the case, you entitled to ask to have it removed and tip your server appropriately.


You sure, Champ? Got a link? I would do this at every meal and give it to the server.
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Re: Dear Guy who designed the roads in JLT... Oct 18, 2010
dubaidog wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote: If that is the case, you entitled to ask to have it removed and tip your server appropriately.


You sure, Champ? Got a link? I would do this at every meal and give it to the server.

One of my exes worked in the hospitality industry and made a point of stamping and kicking about it. I had to part her up from the maitre D on several occasions! It worked in some establishments, others dug their heels in particularly the big chain outlets.

Try it, see what happens.

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