desertdudeshj wrote:Then why not enroll in the forces and have your way. Let me know which stockade to send the bar of soap.
Silly munchkin! You've had your phrase book out again! We don't have stockades in Britain, they are for the yanks. You've been watching too many war films sweetie!
Now Drew, I was watching a piece about this on BBC News and it seems that someone has been desscrating bodies. At the moment the army is not saying what rank the soldier is or anything about him.
I have to say I can't agree with his actions as, to me, this is just lowering yourself to their level. Having said that I can totally see where the soldier is coming from. If I had seen one of my mates blown to smithereens by some raghead then I would want to cut more than his finger off and shove it where the sun don't shine.
I hope he doesn't get demoted or jailed. I'm sure his Regiment will back him all the way, if not making the right noises to the media.