I still have some scouring pads lurking around somewhere.

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Dubai Knight wrote:Its about time we had another monster thread (apart from Sages say somethingabout...or cut and pasted joke of the...)
I still have some scouring pads lurking around somewhere.
arniegang wrote:I think sage is being serious DK
Now that its Christmas 2006, I believe that we need an update
arniegang wrote:ahhhhhhhhhhhhh those were the days
sage & onion wrote:arniegang wrote:ahhhhhhhhhhhhh those were the days
Are you sure?
But hey back to the subject, where is DK, I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!
sage & onion wrote:OK so far the information is good, however I need to know the cleaning % when dealing with office mugs as this could be a huge factor in what I decide.
Dubai Knight wrote:sage & onion wrote:OK so far the information is good, however I need to know the cleaning % when dealing with office mugs as this could be a huge factor in what I decide.
Sorry can't help there as
a) I don't clean mugs in the office despite being known as 'The Cleaner'
b) it was merely my job to ensure overall project security!
I can suggest either bicarbonate of soda or bleach?
arniegang wrote:Right - you 2 here's the situation.
Those scouring pads are mine as brought over by my good self in 2006. Sage if you want to deal in scouring pads then any further negotiations need to be conducted through me. DK is merely "the guardian and keeper" of the aforementioned scouring pads.
Sage these scouring pads were hand picked by me after much searching within the UK to find the right quality to export to the Emirates. The Zimbwabians are no fools in their quest for importing scouring pads of the highest quality.
The sponges inside were sourced from the finest reefs of the coast of Bermuda and many a sponge diver lost his life in recovering these from the sea bed. The nylon outer casing was made from an experimental nylon that was being tested by NASA specifically for the washing of dirty dishes on both the space shuttle and the space station.
Sage if you wish to proceed in purchasing these from my Emirate Agent please be aware they will not be cheap and i do not take cash. Obvously tax and import duty must be payable.
Scourers R' Us
Middle East Division.
Dubai Knight wrote:Being an ex adman, I suppose I should come up with a 'Green' campaign for the tree hugging lesbetarian consumer:
"New improved Scour-o Pad (TM), for those moments when your normal brand is just not up to it when the maid comes to scrape the bowl moles off the dunee!"
"Using the finest completely natural nylon harvested from the depths under the drifting desert sands and moulded lovingly into the perfect ergonomic shape for the smaller, daintier Eastern Asian female hand. New improved Scour-o-Pad(TM) cleans as she screams as you beat her!
You will never beat a better Sunita, Parvita or Amita when she uses Scour-o-Pad (TM)!
Also available in green"
I kinda like it, I even managed to get the green message in there!
What does the jury think?
sage & onion wrote:Dubai Knight wrote:Being an ex adman, I suppose I should come up with a 'Green' campaign for the tree hugging lesbetarian consumer:
"New improved Scour-o Pad (TM), for those moments when your normal brand is just not up to it when the maid comes to scrape the bowl moles off the dunee!"
"Using the finest completely natural nylon harvested from the depths under the drifting desert sands and moulded lovingly into the perfect ergonomic shape for the smaller, daintier Eastern Asian female hand. New improved Scour-o-Pad(TM) cleans as she screams as you beat her!
You will never beat a better Sunita, Parvita or Amita when she uses Scour-o-Pad (TM)!
Also available in green"
I kinda like it, I even managed to get the green message in there!
What does the jury think?
Are these the ones harvested from the coral reefs off the coast of Bermuda?, we have to be precise in our information, it also will need to be passed by the technical committee.
sage & onion wrote:I was given the distinct impression that the Scouring Pads would definitely be Eco-Friendly, I am starting to doubt this information, am I right in my thoughts?