Total posts: 2025
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the message board for Dubai English speaking community
arniegang wrote:some of us dont have to work to earn our daily bread
and another interesting fact that took me a while to work out...
Liban, Sniper, Myself, Chocs, Kanelli, Gabs and HP account for 30% of the total posts on the whole of the forum.
arniegang wrote:and..................
the M4/M5 (near me) yesterday and today had upto 17 mile tailbacks, and you guys moan about congestion
GoodBai wrote:Ah now it all begins to figure with you two. West country.... very strong zider that can do strange things. Yep it all adds up.
arniegang wrote:Oi Shaf
You are bordering on Racial there buddy, Ann robinson - The Welsh
Shaf - The West country
Watch it
arniegang wrote:Blackbird i'll have eeeeeeeeeeee
Drink up de zider
I gotta brand new Combine Harvestor
classics DK, how dare you
shafique wrote:all together now .... "under the moon of love"...
boy I'm showing my age..
Arnie - I was repeating what someone from the West Country said.. it was funny in a WC accent though!
arniegang wrote:our mod status is equal HP
btw - wot are you on about, searches and deletes?
arniegang wrote:HP he doesnt delete your posts
Are you telling "porkies" ??
Dubai Knight wrote:"Shoooo" (sharp intake of breath!) You can't have that here!!! Well, apart from in Spinneys!
MaaaD wrote:all we get from denmark is trouble lets just ban .dk
Dubai Knight wrote:MaaaD wrote:all we get from denmark is trouble lets just ban .dk
You talking about me? Dubai Knight (DK) or the whole of Denmark?