Hi there, no problem with nitpicking. It is very difficult though to explain things like censorship over a forum, as there is no standard to measure it against. For example I would say that it far more strict than the UK, but less than KSA or Qatar for example. Personally, when I arrived I expected it to be far more draconian than what it actually is.
Most of this I can put down to them governing and policing the systems value that they have set in place. When I originally landed in Dubai there were a handful of European magazines available, censoring was fairly common place, and they would physically delete (with a marking pen) any objectionable body parts!
Before I left Dubai last year, there were literally hundreds of local and international publications available, some were censored, but normally only lightly by comparison to the diligence that was performed when there was only handful! By the same token a publication with the same content in KSA would be destroyed out of hand without deleting, the distributor having to carry the loss.
As to the “list” apparently there is one but it is never published and I have never heard of any particular publications that may even be on the list. This does give them a lot more leeway when dealing with “questionable” publications, they can simply withhold it, and say “It’s on the list”, who’s to question? Additionally you could ask for a copy of the list until you were blue in the face and still never see it, that’s the way certain things work in the UAE.
The question on how often do “they open mail? Well I expect any parcel with the labelled contents “books” or DVD’s will be subject to inspection. I have had 3 out of 5 parcels opened – in every case the ones containing books or DVD’s ordered from Amazon. I would also expect them to put parcels through an x-ray machine or some such screening device in any case. Most of the time they are interested in checking the declared value of the parcel against what it actually contains, as they are subject to 5% import duty
I agree with your comments about the media and pro-Israeli sentiments, this obviously can’t be “sanitized”, in actual fact I have found the people of the UAE quiet open to debate on the issue, although the official line is the State of Israel does not exist and is not officially recognised. To the point that the flag is banned in the UAE, the country name is physically deleted from maps and teaching aids and at one point mobile phones were not allowed to be imported with Hebrew as a language choice! Personally I found it quite wake-up call to be able to watch Al Jareera covering an event, and then watching the same event covered on CNN or the BBC – being able to see the event portrayed from two different view-points. Also living in the region it made me aware just how much the western media can be biased, while advocating objectiveness.
The definition of pornography is an interesting one, and while I have my own definition I would possibly like to hear what one or two of the Muslim forum members consider being gratuitous. As I mentioned in earlier years some of the women’s magazines were subject to censoring exposed backsides etc. It seems to be a lot more lenient in this regard now.
I don’t know about cable, but there are a number of satellite systems available, and I don’t think you will miss out on any of your regular programming. There was even a recent post from a Canadian being able to find his favourite Ice Hockey channel.
Bootleg/ pirate DVD’s are two a penny in the UAE, they are normally poor quality, bad Chinese subtitles or dubbing and in most instances are copied with a hand held DVD camera in the movie house, hence the people laughing over the soundtrack or standing up in front of the picture. The official stance of the UAE is zero tolerance to counterfeit or pirate products, typing that I have a HUGE smile on my face and will leave it at that before tears start running down the corner of my eyes!
On occasion they have a token clamp down on pirate goods or when a shipment of pirated stuff unexpected falls into their laps they take it out and put a steamroller over it to show that they can