Counter Clerk Said NO

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Counter Clerk said NO Jul 19, 2024
Assalamu alaikum!

I will tell you a story about my second marriage in the UAE. It almost did not happen because counter clerk back in my homeland's Municipality said NO.

She did not want to give me certificate that I am not married, as she got to know that I am marrying an Arab! Imagine, she told me NO, we do not let our girls/women to marry Arabs.

At that time I did not know how to fight for my rights. I did not call Police at once. Who is she to refuse my legal right to have an official certificate that I am not married and that I can marry with no objections. But she was a clerk! She was there in position to decide and to make major decisions regarding human lives....except that she was not!

I just ignored her and went to my birth place, and there they gave me a paper I needed.

And almost two decades passed since. I learnt to fight for my rights. But guess what; still I face clerks who do major decisions for everything and even in the UAE :shock: :shock: :shock:

As we all might know in UAE clerks are there to serve people, to make lives easier to all human beings living in the UAE. But reality can strike many times, as many of them DECIDE just to ignore, never to reply, never to forward emails or calls to those who may be concerned...
Clerks are real Bosses everywhere, they decide your treatment, your destiny (they think!), your importance...and so they act accordingly to their own judgements and decisions.

But I am the wrong person to mess up with! I know that I live in a country where HH Sheikh of Dubai made 10 commandments to all clerks and government workers: ... ral%20News

Why do they not follow?

Am I not a human being to deserve a treatment of respect? To respectfully get an answer whether is positive or negative. But ignoring, replying with pasting irrelevant links and similar practices is not a class that Sheikh sets for Governmental employers of Dubai!

How many decades we will need to do same mistakes until new generations learn how to actually treat people respectfully as human beings?????????
Why is that automated LIE telling that somebody will respond in 24 hours...maybe they do not have enough workers?? Maybe after 72 hours there is still too much to do, so they cannot reach email of some non-local.

Do I exist in the UAE??? According to my ID I do! I do exist. So then why I do not get an answer!!!
YES or NO.

I got used to answers; NO, it is for locals only. And I am fine with that! I will never hate anyone for that. I just make du3a then; May Allah give me better than what people refuse to give me! And Allah always does!

So I am always happy alhamdulillah. My happiness will not disappear with your NO reply. I will not leave any bad rating after I get NO for an answer. But I am not happy with ignoring, with treatment of not existing at all. Whatever you do to me it is your right. My right is to get from Allah better!

So why to be shy to refuse and to say the truth; This service is for locals only! And khalaaas. Or if that words are forbidden why just not to say NO, we cannot provide that service to you.
Allah will provide to me, as He is the Best Provider!

If you refuse me I am not angry with you, it just means that I did not pray devotedly enough to Allah.
It is my mistake, not yours. But it is your mistake if you just ignore me as a human being, as a resident of the UAE. I do not deserve that at all. I am not an enemy of UAE. I am loyal resident for almost two decades. I did not come here to breath your air, you have your prescribed portion already. This air I breathe is mine, shared with you, but still my portion of it. Deal with it!

And just for the lesson of life I will share with you this small fact story; when my kids were about to study I did not have any money, as some readers might already know. So I decided what it was an only option to send my kids to KSA, where everything is paid. Only what they needed is a recommendation letter from one man in specific position. So I knew a man who was in such position, who knew my children personally and knew their father when he was alive, and I asked that man to write recommendation letter for them. He said OK, I will do, but then never answered again... when I was asking is it ready....I was just ignored.

So I decided to borrow money and put my kids to the University in the UAE of their choice. That made them happiest kids in the world! I was sinking in debts but endured everything alhamdulillah.

When my kids were in their second year of studies, to my surprise I read in the news that person who refuse to write a recommendation letter had a heart attack and died :shock: His own children become orphans too :crybaby: I wish that they will have enough support in their lives and somebody to write them a recommendation letters.

Life is strange. Sometimes we think that poor people are not important, that they bother us too much with their requests, but then we do not know what tomorrow brings. Maybe our kids or grandkids will come to the same position, just because of us and our poor decision and judgement. Undeserved destiny that our fathers and forefathers deserved, served cold to us. Nauthubillah.

I wish that everyone finds success in life, happiness and respect they deserve, Allahumme amin.

Whatever you do guys, I love you. I will never hate anyone inshallah. I can be heartbroken, and it will heal as it always does. Alhamdulillah.
But for your own sake, please, please treat all people with dignity and respect. You do not know their position by Allah. You might think they are poor losers, while Allah might be their Protector and watch over you!

Take care!

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